Have you ever looked at the morning sunrise,
and wondered if it was seen also by my eyes?

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Or thought of me when the sun sets,
and really ever have any regrets?

As you gaze at the moon so bright,
have you ever felt my need to hold you tight?

With all the stars up there lighting the way
do you ever remember what I say?

Have you ever seen a shooting star?
and think of how really far away I am?

When you see a rainbow and all it's glory,
do you think about me and the little story?

When a storm starts to rage and lightning,
is it like me? strange and frightning?

Wishing I could calm you like the gentle breeze
take all your worries, make you feel at ease,

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So I will end this with a gentle kiss
and hope you know how much you are missed!!!

Blowing sweet *kisses* to you I send
Hoping you catch them, there, in the wind!

Remember no matter how near or apart
I will always hold you close in my heart

Always and Forever!!!
My love

Surf My Pages Easily *smile*

<BGSOUND SRC="yourloveamazesme.mid">