Each of my flowers here, have their own shape, size, and color. Each have their own special way's of growing, but it matters not…. For we are all one and the same here. All of my "flower's" have the Spirit of Life!!! And threw sharing this "Spirit, keeps us all growing!!! I have come to know all of my "flowers" by name. Some are still "sprouting". Some are "blossoms". Other's I have watched come to form a Beautiful Full "Bloom"!!! I am still, at times, quit amazed, at my "Bouquet" here. But each time, I come to my "Garden" I walk away with a renewed "Spirit". Hope you do as well! "Smiles". Please feel free to water, weed, and love my "Spirit Flower" here. And please, use the "seeds addie", Plant your own or send to a friend!!! And may your own "Garden of Friends" grow to be as beautiful, strong, and true, as mine have!
I would like to Thank Joy, for without her, none of this would be possible. She is my Friend, my teacher, my Angel of "patience". Her words, DON'T GIVE UP, are still etched in my mind....LOL I love her to death for her kindness and true Friendship!!!!! And a BIG (((HUG))) and ***KISS*** to Dusty, For sharing, giving, and, guiding me to my "Dreams". Threw their "Spirit", I am still growing...."Smiles"