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I am only me
That is all I can be
No more, no less
Don't second guess

I love, I laugh
I live and cry
I've wished, at times
That I could die.

Some days I'm funny
Others I'm not
Sometimes I'm in overdrive
And cannot stop.

I am a loyal
And honest friend
You know that I'll be here
Until the end.

I am a mother
My greatest gift
The smiles on their faces
Always give me a lift.

I am a romantic
Sensual, sexual and passionate too.
To the Love of my life
I'll share this with you.

I can be sweet and shy
Or sassy and bold
I'm quite a handful
Or so I've been told.

I am not perfect
I do have my faults
Like when I get scared
I put up high walls

Or I'm not as forgiving
As I'd sometimes like to be
Because when I hurt
I hurt deeply.

My logic is...all my own
At times...misunderstood
Because I don't always do things
For my own good.

I have many facets
Like a diamond, you see
I am only me
And that's all I can be.

~~Author Unknowen~~

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<BGSOUND SRC="unchanedmelody.mid">