In the past year, I have met many friends
Some have brought sorrow, some have brought *Grins*
But each of you is special, in your own little ways,
And I hope that on my ICQ, you will stay!
Some are so far away, yet so close to my heart
And at times this distance, tears me apart,
So I sit here and chat, laugh, cry and talk,
And when we are finished, I feel not so far apart!
I've gotten to know you, some Too Well, in fact,
And some of us have joined our own "little pac",
We've thrown marshmellows, cool-whip, ballons and pie,
Then ran to our corners for another disguise!
Ahh, the mess we have made,
You should have seen!
And we would always leave Toys,
To make sure it was cleaned!
I still chuckle about our Cyber Pet
When Toys had to "FLUSH HIM"
I'll never forget, hehehe
She still hasn't gotten over that one yet!
Toys is the one whom lives closest to me,
And soon, I hope that she will get to see,
That I am really 5'7", blonde/blue eyed,
UNLIKE some, here, who I know have lied!
Then comes, Joy, whom is named as Good as can be,
Cuz that's what she's brought into my life, you see,
She has spent hours; She's listened, shared, Taught and repeated,
So I could get threw this Homepage "UN-DEFEATED!"
Next, comes Zarbs, poor Zarbs, hehehe
She's the one whom I pick on constantly!
For we ALL have sent her pic's, URL'S and files at most,
Yet they all seem to get lost, end up as Ghost's?
Panda, is named after that cute, cuddly bear,
And she's always the one, most willing to share!
For at Xmas she sent me two homemade Pals,
She's very crafty, sweet, What a GAL!
There are other's out there,
You know who you are,
Would love to name them,
But won't go that far!
Cuz you see, with these Ladie's,
I've mentioned above,
Would RUSH in and try to steal my "LOVE"!
So I end this with the usual ((((HUGS))) and a KISS !!!
And hope that my ICQ doesn't miss.
What's that old saying?
You there, LQQKING at me!
Now I know why the