Dear Nanna,

    When I hear you talk near my Mommy,
    I know you are waiting for me to arrive.
    You are just as excited as I am. I can't
    wait to see you, so we can snuggle. I know
    you and I will become great buddies when I
    arrive into the outside world, because if
    I know anything, it is this: I love my Nanna,
    and my Nanna loves me! I hear your voice, so
    soft and loving, and I get all jumpy just
    thinking about meeting you.
    Just think, when I arrive, who will be right
    outside the big white room waiting for me?
    Nanna...And think, as I grow older, who will
    take me over night when Mommy and Daddy
    are too tired? Yup, it will be my Nanna again.
    And who will spoil me rotten and send me home?
    Guess Who? Nanna, that's who. And who will buy
    me all those videos I love to watch over and
    over and over? Well, Duh! *giggles*, Nanna again.
    Guess What, Nanna? I am getting bigger now.
    Soon, I will be out of this little watery room
    and in your arms. I can feel your love when you
    talk, and I get all tingly just thinking about
    meeting you, it makes me feel really good. I
    kick and fight, but I never get out! Soon,
    though, I will be out and we can start our
    wonderful Dusty and Nanna relationship!
    I also can't wait to sleep in the baby bed
    that you got for me. Or get my first diaper
    change on the table you bought. OH I really
    can't wait to sleep with that awesome rotating
    night light with the stars and Noah's Ark...
    just think of the characters I will see on my
    walls, animals, animals and MORE animals! I get
    giddy with excitement when I think of the floor
    gym play set that you got for me to play with.
    OH! And a swing, too? I am really ecstatic now.
    I wish I could wear my outfits and shoes now,
    but I will have to wait just a little longer. I
    just love Pooh Bear, and I guess it shows. My
    name with Pooh on the light switch, Winnie the
    Pooh wall hangings, a really cool Pooh light,
    and WOW! a stuffed Pooh who sings nursery
    rhymes to me? That is the greatest! But the
    bestest will be to snuggle with you in "our"
    rocker together, you know the one I mean.
    I can't wait for my life to begin on the outside.
    I will be the most loved grandkid in the world!
    Cuz my Nanna is pretty darn special!

            I Love You Nanna,
              See You soon!

Watch Me Grow

Nanna is going to show me, my dad and mom off now *g*

Clicking on Pooh will
take you to my
newborn picture *g*

Clicking on Pigglet
will take you to my
Birth Announcement *g*

Clicking on Tigger
will take you to a
picture of my parents *g*

Surf My Pages Easily *smile*

<BGSOUND SRC="wpooh.mid">