Baptismal Regeneration Debate by jp (4/1/05)
Response to Muslim Apologist Shabir Ally Regarding Jesus' Divinity by jp (2/1/05)
The Relationship Between the Last Supper and the Cross by jp (1/22/05)
Why We Worship On Sunday by jp (12/27/04)
Female Priests? by jp (9/17/04)
Genesis, Sex, and the Trinity: A Defense of the Church's Teachings on Pre-Marital Sex, Homosexuality, and Contraception by jp (9/2/04)
Papacy Debate Completed by jp (8/20/04)
Debate on the Existence of God (Postponed) by jp (7/15/04)
A Short Biblical Defense of Confession by jp (7/13/04)
Response to Atheist Philosopher Dan Barker on the Kalam Cosmological Argument by jp (7/11/04)
False Beliefs About The Afterlife by jp (4/27/04)
The Kalam Cosmological Argument for God's Existence by jp (4/10/04)
A Historical Defense of Jesus' Divinity by jp (3/31/04)
Church Unity by jp (3/18/04)
Why We Can't Understand Everything About God by jp (3/8/04)
Why Gay Marriages Should Be Illegal by jp (3/6/04)
Moral Issues (3/6/04)
Is Justification an Imputation or Infusion of Righteousness? by jp (2/5/04)
Salvation Debate Completed by jp (1/19/04)
Corruption - Disproof of Church Authority? by jp (1/17/04)
Book Recommendations (12/14/03)
Awards Page (11/30/03)
God's Omnipotence: Is It Possible? by jp (11/26/03)
More on the Greek Phrase "Heos Hou" by Robert Sungenis (Outside Link) (11/19/03)
Mary: Immaculate Conception, Queenship, Mother of God, and Spiritual Motherhood by jp (11/10/03)
Essay on the Historicity of the Resurrection by jp (11/6/03)
Objective Truth, Religious Pluralism, and Objective Morality by jp (10/16/03)
A Scriptural Study on the Eucharist by jp (10/5/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Matt Slick on Sola Scriptura by jp (10/4/03)
Saints, Relics, and Images by jp (10/4/03)
Holy Orders by jp (10/4/03)
Refutation of "Heos Hou VS Heos" by Ronald K. Tacelli, S.J. (Outside Link) (10/3/03)
Happiness and Suffering by jp (9/24/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Dave Hunt on Baptismal Regeneration by jp (9/7/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist James McCarthy on the Mass by jp (9/2/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Mike Gendron on Salvation by jp (9/1/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist James McCarthy on Sola Scriptura by jp (8/21/03)
The Catholic Church: No Room For Error by jp (8/17/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Mike Gendron on the Mass by jp (8/17/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Mike Gendron on the Eucharist by jp (8/10/03)
The Sacrifice of the Mass by jp (8/9/03)
A Study on the Papacy: Authority, Infallibility, and Succession by jp (8/4/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist Jason Engwer on Salvation by jp (8/1/03)
Call No Man Father? by jp (5/22/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist David Cloud on Baptismal Regeneration by jp (5/18/03)
Response to Protestant Apologist David Cloud on Salvation by jp (5/8/03)