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By Jonathan C & Rhonda Young
Last Updated March 6, 2006

Thomas Ancil Wilson
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aaaa This side of the family has been difficult to trace to any great extent, for now this will have to do. We have been able to trace back to a William Honnoll who died in November of 1809 in Williamson County, Tennessee. His will on record there stipulated that his wife and children receive 100 acres of land on Turnbull (a creek) in Williamson County. He also stipulated that if his wife remarried, the land was to be sold and the money divided equally between his wife and children. He left 5 horses two of which are mares, a stock of hogs, cattle, and 150 bushels of corn. The Executor of the estate was listed as Peter Honnoll. Peter is the only child of William that we have any record of at this time.

aaaa Peter Honnoll was born in Maryland in the year 1781. His wife's name was Mary.

Their children:

* Louisa Honnoll, born in 1818 somewhere in Georgia.
* Moses Honnoll, born in 1820 somewhere in Georgia. He married a girl by the name of Marinda.
aaaaa Their children :
aaaaaaa * Peter Honnoll, born in 1839.
aaaaaaa * James Honnoll, born in 1840.
aaaaaaa * William Honnoll, born in 1842.
aaaaaaa * Sollomon Honnoll, born in 1847.
aaaaaaa * Nancy Honnoll, born in 1850.
* Martha Honnoll, born in 1825 in Tennessee.
* William Honnoll
* Sarah Honnoll
* Mary Honnoll
* Lucinda Honnoll
* Peter Honnoll, married Mary E. Savage on January 21,1836 in Hardeman County, Tennessee.

aaaaSarah Honnoll was married to Solomon Cooper. Solomon stipulated in his will of June 26, 1876 that the bros and sisters of my deceased wife Sarah H. Cooper be left a share of his estate: William, Peter, Moses Honnell 9th (share); ch(child) of Mary Rodgers 9th; ch of Lucinda Jackson 9th; Louisa Wilson (wife of Ingram Wilson) 9th; Parmelia Regan (probably a daughter of Louisa and Ingram) 9th; Martha Wilson (probably Claiborn Wilsons wife) 9th; Martha Casey (probably a daughter of Louisa and Ingram)
aaaa Solomon Cooper had been a contemporary of Peter Honnoll, his deceased wife's father, having served together as grand jurors in Hardeman County , ca. 1828 in the town of Bolivar. The 1830 Census listed Solomon as a neighbor of Peter Honnoll in Hardeman County and the 1840 Census has him listed in Madison County. William Honnoll, the son of Peter and the brother of Martha Honnoll(married to Claiborn Wilson), was also listed in the 1840 Census in Madison County.

aaaaOn March 28, 1842 in Hardeman County, Tennessee Martha Honnoll married Claiborn Wilson , the earliest recorded Wilson in our family so far.
aaaa The Agricultural Census of 1870, Hardeman County, Tennessee, lists a C. Wilson with 50 Acres of improved land, 350 acres of woodland, and 750 acres of other unimproved land. He had 4 horses, 3 milk cows, to cattle, 12 swine. Farm products included 52 bushels of wheat, 4 bushels of rye, 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 25 lbs of butter, 18 lbs, of sugar cane, 3 lbs of wax bees, and 100 lbs of honey bees.
aaaa On January 4, 1875 Claiborn Wilson bought 250 acres of land from Ingram and Louisa Wilson for the sum of $600.

Their children:

* Elizabeth Wilson, born in 1843.
* William Wilson, born in 1845.
* Malissa Wilson, born 1848.
* Solomon Wilson
* E. N. Wilson
* J. N. Wilson, born in 1857.
* Martha Wilson, born in 1859.
* Henry C. Wilson
* M. A. Wilson, born in 1867.
* Ing B. Wilson, born in 1868 (could he have been named after his uncle Ingram Wilson?).

Another Wilson name shows up in the records of this period, and that is of Ingram Wilson. We do know that he was married to Louisa Honnoll because their names show up on several land deeds as Ingram and Louisa Wilson. On January 2, 1853 Peter Honnoll sold Ingram Wilson, his son-in-law, 18 acres of land in the 10th district of Hardeman County for $25 (witnessed by Moses Honnoll and Peter Honnoll Jr.). In 1865 Ingram bought a tract of land in the 10th district of Hardeman County from Orin Bevil for $500. Almost three years later on November 22, 1867 Ingram Wilson bought a tract of land from Claiborn Wilson in the 16th district of Hardeman County for $500. Then on January 4, 1875 Ingram and Louisa Wilson sold 250 acres of land back to Claiborn Wilson for the sum of $600.

Because Louisa Honnoll and Martha Honnoll, both sisters, were married to a Wilson , and the interaction in the before mentioned deeds, we assume that Ingram and Claiborn were brothers There was also a Squire Wilson mentioned in various deeds with Ingram and Peter Honnoll (could he be another brother to Ingram and Claiborn ?).

Ingram and Louisa Wilson's children were:

* William Wilson, born in 1842.
* Mary Wilson, born in 1843.
* Permilia Wilson, born in 1844. (There is an Amelia C Wilson born in May of 1844 in Hardeman County, Tennessee. Could this be the same person?)
* Jesse Wilson, born 1845.
* Sarah Wilson, born in 1847.
* Martha Wilson, born in 1849.
* Parlee Wilson, born on October 18, 1858 and died on July 7, 1920. She was married to W. T. Stewart. Parlee Wilson is buried at Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, on Hwy. 100 E, near Hardeman and Chester County line. The headstone says daughter of Ingram and Eliza (Louisa ?) Honnoll Wilson.

aaaaSolomon Wilson was born January 12, 1850. He died January 24, 1924 and is buried at Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery along side his wife Sarah. His son Tom is also buried there.

There children:

* Eli Wilson, born in 1873.
* Lou Wilson, born in 1875.
* Tommie Wilson, born on March 6, 1878 and died on September 9, 1964. His wife's name was Dala.

aaaa Henry C Wilson was born in 1860 in Hardemen County Tennessee and died May 13, 1927 in Chester County, Tennessee. He was married to Julina Naylor. Our family was always led to believe that her maiden name was Julina Naylor but she shows up on the 1900 Tennessee Census as Sara J. Sara was born in February of 1859 and died January 25, 1926 also in Chester County, Tennessee.

Their children:

David Andrew Wilson was born April 29, 1884 and died August 1973.
Ellen J Wilson was born March 1887 and died May 13, 1924.
� Thomas Ancil Wilson
Martha Ivar Wilson was born January 29, 1894 in Denmark, Madison County, Tennessee and died April 28, 1950 in Jackson, Tennessee. Martha married Floyd Wellington Johnson July 31, 1919 in Malesus, Tennessee.

aaaa Their children:

aaaa *Alma Kate Johnson was born June 17, 1920 in Madison County, Tennessee and died July 10, 1990. She married Julius Leonard Rush April 20, 1940 in Chester County.

aaaa *H.C.Johnson was born September 11, 1921 in Bemis, Tennessee and died October 3, 1984 in Memphis VA Hospital He was married to Betty Davis.

aaaa *Frances Shirley Johnson was born September 3, 1923 in Bemis, Tennessee. she married John W Watlington in Jackson, Tenness on February 16, 1945.

aaaa *Floyd Wesley Johnson was born December 26, 1925 in Bemis, Tennessee and died in Jackson, Tennessee on Septermer 23, 1994He married Helen Frances Oxley January 31, 1969 in Jackson, Tennessee.

aaaa * David Leroy Johnson was born in Bemis, Tennessee on April 26, 1928 and died July 20, 1993 in Memphis, Tennessee.

aaaa * Joann Johnson was born April 26, 1930 in Bemis, Tennessee. She was married twice,to Grady Longmire and James Oscar Ragan.

aaaa * Mattie Sue Johnson was born November 2, 1931 in Bemis, Tennessee. On August 10, 1956 in Madison County, Tennessee she married Joe Roark.

Alice Vashtia Wilson was born January 5, 1898in Madison County, Tennessee and died May 21, 1964 in Memphis, Tennessee. On September 15, 1919 in Madison County Alice married Daniel Franklin Web. Frank was born August 10, 1900 and died in Paris, Tennessee December 20, 1981.

aaaa Their children:

aaaa *Daniel Franklin Webb Jr was born October 27, 1923. He married Arlene Haynes.

aaaa *Betty Jane Webb was born December 15 1926. She married James Aubrey Williams in Memphis, Tennessee.

aaaa *Julina Anne webb was born Jauuary 10, 1935. She married Robert Eugene Roberson in Memphis, Tennessee December 3, 1955.

Mary Alma Wilson was born March 1902 and died May 17, 1933.

aaaa Thomas Ancil Wilson was born December 17, 1890 in Prairie County Arkansas moving to Chester County, Tennessee sometime before the 1900 census. On July 11, 1915 in Bemis, Tennessee he married Sophia Ruth Foust . Sophia was born in Henry County, Tennessee May 6, 1894. It was on December 14, 1957, three days before his birthday, when Thomas died of cancer. Sophia died March 7, 1999 at the age of 104. Paw Paw and Maw Maw, as they were affectionately called by their grandchildern and great grandchildren, are buired beside each other in Memorial Park Cementery in Memphis, Tennessee.
Their children:

Vivian Ruth WilsonAgnes Lorene Wilson Beatrice WilsonWallace Ancil Wilson
Harry Lawrence Wilson Ellen Delores Wilson Gladys Virginia Wilson Ernest Clayborn Wilson

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aaaa Vivian Ruth Wilson was born April 21, 1916 in Bemis, Tennessee. She married Arley Johnson Lowe on June 26, 1937 in Marion, Arkansas. Arley was born June 21, 1915 and died January 21 1994.Vivian died December 16, 1999.

Their children are:

Arley Johnson Lowe Jr, born December 25, 1942.
Michael Thomas Lowe, born May 25, 1954.

aaaaaArley Johnson (Johnny) Lowe Jr married Janice P. Kolek on February 8, 1964 in Franklin, Michigan.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Jonathan Jeffery Lowe, born January 16, 1965.
aaaa *Devlynn Melissa Lowe, born December 29, 1969.
aaaa *Courtney Suzanne Lowe, born November 27, 1970.

aaaaaMichael Thomas Lowe married Betty Lou Eastman August 18, 1973. Betty was born June 22, 1954. He would latter marry Laurie aaaa Ann Ogg July 19, 1986.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Nicole Ruth Lowe, born May 12, 1975.
aaaa *Chrystal May Lowe, born November 7, 1979 and died November 23, 1981.

aaaaaaaNicole Ruth Lowe married James Michael Brand on April 29, 2000 in Waterford, Michigan.

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aaaa Agnes Lorene Wilson was born February 26, 1918 in Bemis, Tennessee. She married Edward Marcus Nunnelee Jr. August 14, 1939 in Olatha, Kansas. Edward was born February 2, 1914 and died May 10, 1996.

Their children:

Terri Ann Nunnelee, born January 25, 1944.
Barbara Jan Nunnelee, born June 7, 1946.
Marilyn Elaine Nunnelee, born September 20, 1950.
Edward Marcus Nunnelee III, born November 20, 1956.

aaaaaTerri Ann Nunnelee married Thomas Earl McCullar in Memphis, Tennessee. Thomas was born April 9, 1946? in Memphis .
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Lorene Elizabeth "Lori Beth" McCullar, born November 13, 1971 in Elyria, Ohio. She married Timothy Van Masters on June 27, 1998
aaaa in Knoxville.
aaaa *Mary Frances McCullar, born September 8, 1973 in Florence, Alabama.
aaaa *Tomianne Louise McCullar, born August 30, 1974 in Florence, Alabama. She married Hans Peter Schmidt on Captiva Island, Florida
aaaa October 24, 1999.
aaaa *Rebecca Jane "Becky Jane" McCullar, born March 24, 1978.

aaaaaBarbara Jan Nunnelee married Richard Owen Stone in 1965.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Richard Owen Stone Jr., born July 13, 1966.
aaaa *Meghan Nunnelee Stone, born November 10, 1970. On August 10, 2002 she married James Thomas in Richmond, Virginia.
aaaa *Jessica Wilson Stone, born July 21, 1983.

aaaaaMarilyn Elaine Nunnelee married Raymond Jay Walters on July 5, 1969.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Raymond Matthew Walters, born January 28, 1970 in Murray, Kentucky.
aaaa *Jason Marcus Walters, born August 27, 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
aaaa *Jeffrey Lott Walters, born November 23, 1974 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
aaaa *Courtney Elaine Walters, born March 19, 1978 in Wilmington, Delaware.

aaaaaaaRaymond Matthew Walters married Janet Lyn Terry. Janet was born January 19, 1973 in Owensboro, Kentucky.
aaaaTheir child:
aaaaaaa *Hannah Fall Walters, born March 3, 1998 in Wilmington, Delaware.

aaaaaEdward Marcus Nunnelee III married Rebecca Ann Dillon April 26, 1995.
aaaa Their child:
aaaa *Jamie Dillon Nunnelee, born November 10, 1995.

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aaaa Beatrice Wilson was born April 9, 1920 in Bemis, Tennessee. She married John Calender Young July 14, 1939 in Memphis, Tennessee. John was born May 14, 1914 in Beaumont, Texas. She later married Sheldon M Pettit in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. She died in Memphis on July 8, 1979 from cancer and was buried in Memorial Park Cemetery close to her father Thomas.

Their children are:

Linda Bea Young , born May 23, 1944 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Jonathan Clay Young, born December 22, 1947 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Rodney Thomas Young, born July 6, 1949 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Phyllis Joann Young, born April 11, 1951 in Columbus, South Carolina.

aaaaaLinda Bea Young married James Mallory Chavers on January 24, 1964 in Spring Lake, North Carolina, divorced in 1968 and married Perry Dale Kohen on November 1, 1968 in Spring Lake, North Carolina.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Angelia (Angel) Lynn Chavers, born February 20, 1965 in Spring Lake, North Carolina.
aaaa *Karen Leigh Chavers, born May 26, 1967 in Fayettville, North Carolina.
aaaa *Shawn Jeffery Kohen, born January 3, 1972 in Greeley, Colorado.

aaaaaaaAngelia Lynn Chavers married James Morgan Page March 17, 1985 in Greely, Colorado.
aaaaTheir children:
aaaaaaa *Rachal Elise Page, born August 31, 1986 in Greely, Colorado.
aaaaaaa *Caleb Robert Page, born January 1, 1990 in Denver, Colorado.
aaaaaaa *BreAnn Denise Page, born June 29, 1991 in Denver, Colorado.

aaaaaaaKaren Leigh Chavers married Greg Powell in 1987 in Greely, Colorado.
aaaaTheir child:
aaaaaaa *Susan Marie Powell, born March 29, 1988.

aaaaaaaShawn Jeffrey Kohen married Barbara Jean LindmierSeptember 25, 1993 in Greely, Colorado.
aaaaTheir children:
aaaaaaa *Christopher Cody Kohen, born December 29, 1994 in Greely, Colorado.
aaaaaaa *Avery Nicholas Kohen, born January 27, 1998 in Greely, Colorado.

aaaaaJonathan Clay Young married Kathleen Whipple on June 13, 1970 in Ft Lauderdale Florida.
aaaaKathleen was born September 20, 1946 in Erie, Pennsylvania.
aaaa Their children:

aaaa *Jason Chistopher Young, born July 30, 1971 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
aaaa *Paul Michael Young, born March 22, 1974 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
aaaa *Justin Clay Young, born August 26, 1977 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
aaaa *Katrina Danielle Young, born March 25, 1986 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

aaaaaaaJason Chistopher Young married Tammy Faith Tidwell in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on
aaaa September 24 1994.Tammy was born November 14, 1972 in Augusta , Georgia.
aaaaTheir children:
aaaaaaa *Tabitha Faith Young, born December 19, 1996 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
aaaaaaa *Jaden Christopher Young, born July 17, 2001 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

aaaaaaaJustin Clay Young married Brielle Polly Roland in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on
aaaa January 22, 2000.Brielle was born March 29, 1979 in Plantation, Florida.
aaaaTheir child:
aaaaaaa *Jace Clay Young, born January 16, 2003 in Boca Raton, Florida.

aaaaaRodney Thomas Young married Veronica Gomez in 1978 in Dallas, Texas.Veronica was born in
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Estefani Elizabeth Young, born September 12, 1980 in Dallas, Texas.
aaaa *Victoria Michelle Young, born February 1984 in Dallas, Texas.
aaaa *Abraham Martin Young, born June 9, 1989 in Dallas, Texas.

aaaaaPhyllis Joann Young married Gary Don DePriest December 7, 1984 in Memphis, Tennessee.
aaaaaGary was born in Shawnee, Oaklahoma August 23, 1954.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Gary David DePriest, born June 2, 1986 in Memphis, Tennessee.
aaaa *Jonathan Mathew DePriest, born July 3, 1988 in Memphis, Tennessee.

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aaaa Wallace Ancil Wilson was born June 3, 1922 in Bemis, Tennessee. He married Frances Seward on December 10, 1943 in Jackson, Tennessee. He died November 30, 1998 in Memphis, Tennessee and is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Memphis. Frances was born in March of 1924.

Their children are:

Vivian Elizabeth Wilson, born December 3, 1946.
Rick Douglas Wilson, born July 6, 1955.

aaaaaVivian Elizabeth Wilsonmarried Bronis (Skip) John Kontrim in June of 1967 in Memphis, Tennessee.
aaaaTheir children:
aaaa *Stephanie Elizabeth Kontrim was born in Washington D.C. on May 30, 1968. She married Jeffrey Allen Bauman November 14, 1998. At the time of this writing Stephanie and Jeff are currently living in Holland, the jumping off point of the Foust family so many years ago.
aaaa *Kathryn Leigh Kontrim was born May 15, 1971 in Germany.

aaaaaRick D. Wilson married Karen Ann Morris on April 16, 1983 in New Brunswick, NJ. Karen was born January 12, 1957 in New
aaaa Brunswick, New Jersey.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Taryn Leigh Wilson, born Febuary 16, 1984 in Meridian, Mississippi.
aaaa *Kristin Elizabeth Wilson, born March 15, 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia.
aaaa *Kyle Robert Douglas Wilson, born September 13, 1989 in Atlanta Georgia

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aaaaHarry Lawrence Wilson was born July 23, 1924 in Memphis, Tennessee. He married Marguerite Fay Andrews September 19, 1947 in Memphis. Fay was born March 3, 1928 in Augusta, Georgia.

Their children:

Barbara Kay Wilson, born June 29, 1948 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Pamela Ruth Wilson, born July 23, 1952 in Memphis, Tennessee.
David Lawrence Wilson, born March 30, 1950 in Memphis, Tennessee and he died May 5, 1954. He is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Memphis.
Rhonda Fay Wilson, born June 5, 1955 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Susan Leigh Wilson, born February 3, 1964 in Johnson City, Tennessee.

aaaaaBarbara Kay Wilson married James Frank McNeese on July 5, 1970 in Johnson City, Tennessee. James was born May 1, 1946.
aaaa She died from cancer July 1, 1997 in Johnson City, Tennessee.
aaaa Their child:
aaaa *Erin McNeese, born May 30, 1972 in Johnson City, Tennessee.

aaaaaPamela Ruth Wilson married Gary Nichols in 1975.She later married Paul Edward Holman. Paul was born January 26, 1951.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Joseph Clint Nichols, born February 19, 1976.
aaaa *Sara Elizabeth Holman, born July 4, 1983 .

aaaaaSusan Leigh Wilson married Chadwick Matthew Duffell on January 27, 2001 in Athens, Georgia.

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aaaa Ellen Delores Wilson was born in Memphis, Tennessee on March 29, 1928. She married William H Kallaher on December 2, 1949 in Hernando Mississippi. William died April 21, 1985 from a heart attack.

Their children:
Dorothy Ellen Kallaher was born July 9, 1950.
William Harry Kallaher Jr. was born October 9, 1951.
Mary Ann Kallaher was born February 8, 1956.
Mark Wilson Kallaher was born January 5, 1961.

Dorothy Ellen Kallaher married James Edward Donelson on September 23, 1986 in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts. James was
aaaa born August 9, 1946 in Boston, Massachusetts.
aaaa Their children:

aaaa *Emily Kathleen Donelson, born May 5, 1986 in Mission Viejo, California.
aaaa *Shannon Elizabeth, born September 30, 1988 in Mission Viejo, California.

aa aaaMary Ann Kallaher married Ricky Wynn on September 3, 1983 in Memphis, Tennessee.
aaaaRicky was born December 1, 1953 in El Paso, Texas.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Phillip Brandon Wynn, born June 9, 1985 in Memphis, Tennessee.
aaaa *Rachael Elizabeth Wynn, born August 10,1987 in Orange Park, Florida.

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aaaa Gladys Virginia Wilson was born in Memphis, Tennessee on May 18, 1930. She married Sam B. Sherrill on August 28, 1952 in Memphis. She later married E.C. "Buddy" Krausnick on June 17, 1989. Buddy was born February 18, 1923.

She had one child with Sam:

Carol Leslie Sherrill was born July 23, 1955.
aaaaaCarol Leslie Sherrill married Danny Harold Jones August 24, 1974. Danny was born October 28, 1948.
aaaa Their children:
aaaa *Corinne Elizabeth Jones, born July 27, 1972.
aaaa *Allyson Sherrill Jones, born December 20, 1977 in Memphis,Tennessee.
aaaa *Daniel Harold Jones, born August 16, 1982 in Memphis, Tennessee.

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aaaa Earnest Clayborn Wilson was born January 27, 1933 in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1958 he married Gretel Marguerite Smith. Earnest died in Massachusetts in April of 1987 from cancer.

Their children:

Elizabeth Ann Wilson was born July 4, 1959.

David Andrew Wilson was born November 7, 1963.

Diane Theresa Wilson was born November 12, 1964.

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