Poetry Cont'
Set Free
The Chains have broken
setting me free?
shackles of control
no longer my destiny.
Eyes wide open
head held high
a smiles calls to attention
so happy angels could cry.
Not to finally live
aheart never knew
joys beconds a soul
plans waiting to brew.
To make a mistake
might cause misery
yet not to know
is not true to me
Energy fills an aura
around a body
oppening the curtains
time to be naughty
They said it wouldn't happen
a devil released in me
God were they wrong
how wild I will be
A new found life
now paves my way
won't take it for granted
live life by the day.


Soul Caller
First step always hard
out on the floor
cannot turn back now
the music calls for more.
Like a siren he is captured
my deadly body filled with desire
rhythem beats through blood
catching my soul afire
A beat explodes through me
my insides no longer my own
but tunes make me move
no longer am I alone
Merging together never separated
we move as one
no one else exsists
no longer can we run
Excitement yerns deep down
swaying, spinning, out of control
no longer on the ground
falling in that hole
Never will it end
the beats calls to me
escape my mind
not to see
To open my eyes
would be a mistake
already we prepare
our skin to bake
Letting go as it ends
brings us back to reality
breathing so deeply
not to kiss, such a pitty.

Pain filled Nights
Eyes wide open
afraid to sleep
all I see
are dreams of memories
Everytime I'm screaming
crying though I didn't
closing my eyes
they reopen with fear
I need help
yet I refuse it
I know I am sick
I cannot admit it
My sleeps poisoned
my dreams tarnished
everything stained
I am sinned
God help me
black outs remain
don't leave me
remembering the pain
I hurt him
the one I couldn't love
I tried to
but the other surounds me
To forget him
would be lovely
yet not helpful
let him remember me
Just to stop
the stabbing pain
my heart feels
would be nice
To love honestly
not to run
to be one
for accuality
Forgive my stupidness
I know all this
but to admit it
would be tourture.

A winter breeze
snow covers the ground
the very warmth
of a rustic grave
A seed lays
buried beneath it all
knowing no matter what
it would never grow
If that seed
penetrated the frozen ground
would others come
to gaze upon it's goal?
No real knowledge
would ever be bistoed
no one would ever see
the triumph it deserved
For long before
that little seed knew
the world was full of liars
not one could know
What a waste
of a life so pure
yet all that little seed wanted
was a life to call her own
If one took
just a bit of time
they would realise
that seed represents a soul.

A sorrowful cry
in the wind
does my soul bleed
should I care?
A wolves howl
a painful cry
do I cry for it
should I care?
A lonely loon
begging for love
do I listen
should I care?
When you plead for me
yet I show no remorse
do you get angered
should I care?
If you leave tonight
and I show no emotions
am I guilty
should I care?
If you break up with me
and my lips smile
do I cause you pain
should I care?

Bleed My Eyes
In dark I was a fool
to be led by you
your heart disowned me
tore my world in two
but still I cry to be
free from you
your soul makes love to me tonight
It bleeds my eyes
Your evil temperment
it turned me on
your stone cold feelings
made me long
you breathed my name at night
I answered in preyers
your soul makes love to me tonight
it bleeds my eyes
To kiss you make me blind
to what you were
I chose not to listen
to what I heard
though my love for you
you always knew
your soul makes love to me tonight
it bleeds my eyes

A Broken Warrior
I was a warrior
in my heart and soul
I killed the guilty
I killed the innocent
Dark my blood was
hate burned within
no one to be trusted
no one to trust me
You were my enemy
to kill you I yearned
your blood I did taste
through hate and lies
You broke me
took away my braveness
brought through my goodness
I hated you
Still I pretended
though I longed for you
your soul to be mine
you belonged to me
We loved
we lost
no matter what
we were one.

Thank You
I could dream of Leo
fantasize about Brad
drool over Mel
yet I find them sad.
One man stands above
every other one I see
the one that loves everything
god has put in me
Thank you for the kisses
being my only fan
the way you hold my hand
Thank you for being my man
Thank you for looking
deep into my eyes
thank you for thinking of me
and not telling me lies
Thank you for singing
thank you for being there
thank you for belieiving
in me and showing you care
The way you love me
is a wish come true
only fairy tales could be
my life wouldn't be without you
The way you miss me
when I'm at home
the way you hug me
when I show up at The Dome
When you giggle at me
when you make me laugh
the way you make me smile
\you are my path
I thank god
for you everyday
because without you in my life
I would have lost my way.

To Be
Cresent white beams
flow from the sky
a black sheet poked with holes
stars glow so high.
A full moon shines
dancing on a lake
everything so calm
it almost seems fake.
What would I give
to be part of this
looking down on man
bless the world with a kiss?
To shine so bright
be wished upon
and hold a secret
till the break of dawn?
Could I see dreams
or appear in one
could I be a fantasy
or smile with the sun?
A child could reach for me
smile if they reached me
there I would be
sparkling with glee.
If I were a star
I would be so bright
the north star for Jesus
or the Leo's might.
But if I were a star
I would never see the sun
watch it rise and set
That would be no fun.
So for now I presume
I will stay a human
Because I can enjoy both
and be their biggest fan.
For the sun is life
all for reality's game
and the night is silent
stars to shine in fame.

Problem Earth
We have four seasons
the trees change leaves
frost can turn to dew
winter has it's wreaves.
Cows can make milk
dogs are mans best friend
cats have intelligence
spiders can mend.
Everything is created for something
yet man has it all
from making huge buildings
to making them fall.
Chop down trees
take away the air
pollution turns to smog
some animals are now rare.
Why we were created
god only knows
we steal from the poor
to make huge condos.
Fathers work late hours
the children now swear
mothers are the nannies
yet life isn't fair.
Teen girls fallow idols
celebrities who barely dress
older men molest them
lord what a mess.
Teen boys don't cry
they play girls for sport
what ever happened
to building a tree fort?
Sad girls want love
they look in the wrong place
babies pop out of babies
a problem parents won't face.
Juviniles don't go to jail
if they steel cars
or killed for kicks
they should be behind bars.
So why are humans evolved
we ruined the earth
maybe if we take it slow
our mother will rebirth.
