The Smith's go to Fiji
We loved Fiji and decided that it was definitely a place to return to and would only be
#2 to the Maldive Islands! Even better about Fiji is that it's not too expensive and the
people are incredible. Very friendly and all smiles. BULA! is what we heard from the locals
the entire time and we soon figured out it meant anything from Hi to Good Night!
Tom (in the far distance) reefwalking on a deserted beach. It's cloudy but it was a welcome
relief from the baking sun. The temperature was near 90 degrees everyday and very humid.
Tom at our resort. At night, all the tiki torches were lit as part of a ceremonial dance
performed by the resort staff. The torches were the only light for finding your way around
the resort after dark. We soon learned they were somehow electrically powered when all the power
went out one night in a thunderstorm. We definitely need to pack a flashlight!
This is what we did much of the time we were there - trying to keep cool!
The Hideaway Resort. We stayed in one of the small houses, they are called bures.
Tom getting ready to jump off the scuba boat. That day he saw a shark and a huge turtle,
among other things.
Chanel and her friend, Simon. Simon ran the Hideaway Kid's Club, which Chanel went to
everyday. He was very nice, he would see Chanel and shout "Bula, Chanel!".
We saw a firewalking show one day, and these were the firewalkers. They appeared to be
between 16 and 80 years old. It's easy to imagine their ancestors being fierce cannibals,
dressed the way they are.