Chanel's World

chanel and kasieHere is me and my best friend, Kasie

parakeetsMy family and I went to the Great Barrier Reef, and while we were in Arlie Beach, I saw these parakeets in a cage outside an office building. I named the blue bird Bluebell.

snorkellingThis is Stacia, Grandpa and I getting ready to snorkel at Reefworld, in the Great Barrier Reef.

big wallyThis is the fish I swam with at Reef World, and his name is Big Wally!

feeding jo's horsesThis is me feeding Jo's horses at her farm in Minnesota

Chanel and Kasie eating pizzaThis is me and Kasie eating Pizza

MaggieHere is Maggie at the Peterson's house

Tom and Chanel standing by x-mas tree in hawaiiHere is me and my dad standing at the Christmas tree in Honolulu square

countdown clockMe and Stacia at the Millennium clock in Honolulu square. Only 6 hours and 47 minutes to go!

chanel with snowcone at waikiki beachMe at Waikiki Beach holding a snowcone

Waikiki BeachA picture I took of Waikiki Beach from an ocean bike

My friends in FijiWhen we were in Fiji I met these girls, who are from New Zealand

sheep farmMe and Stacia at the Rainbow Sheep Farm in New Zealand