The Smith's Live in Australia

Stacia and Chanel took a tour to the Pinnacles desert from Perth. We drove through bush tracks and over lots of bumps and deep water in this 4WD bus chanel by tour bus

We stopped at the Yanchep National Park to look at koalas: chanel and stacia in Yanchep

And then drove through the sand dunes: chanel and stacia in dunes

Four hours later we arrived at The Pinnacles Desert, which comprises of thousands of rock formations and lots of sand! pinnacles

This gives you an idea of how big they are: chanel in the pinnacles

On June 3, we moved to Adelaide. We live in the Adelaide suburb of Kent Town, which is five minutes from downtown and just a short walk to the University of Adelaide. We live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex. Following are some pictures we took to give you an idea of what our house looks like. Here is the lemon tree by our back entrance (the front entrance is pretty ordinary!): lemon tree

Here is the courtyard entryway: courtyard

Through the double doors is our kitchen: kitchen

Chanel and Tom in our family room: family room

And finally, Chanel's room: chanel in her room