Old Grey Wolf
Old Grey Wolf started
out life in a den of four
Of food and milk he kept score
With siblings fighting for every
He was tough and always won
the fight
He got in a tussle with a bear
when he was just two
Now he's got a bare patch where
skin shows threw
But let that bear win a fight,
that wouldn't do
He bit that old bear square
in the ear
Nipped off a chunk and snapped
at it's rear
That big ole bear growled
And that big ole bear howled
Old Grey Wolf, he's mighty lean
Hate to say but sometimes he's
even mean
His eyes are Smokey Grey
And in the dark of night they
glow a silver hue
Yet in the light of day stealy
Yeah, Old Grey Wolf he's been
Seen Indians and cowboys, why
he's even been to town
Old Grey Wolf, he's no tenderfoot
Been in a forest fire covered
with soot
He walks with a limp cause he
got caught in a trap
His energy and vitality it could
not sap
He wanders the hills and valleys
and plains
Takes cover in a cave whenever
it rains
He's battered and beaten and
way plum tuckered
For a biscuit or slice of ham
he could be suckered
His is a lonely life
But on occasion he took a wife
All of them were no where near
as wise
He looked on as each met her
Don't be afraid for Old Grey
He's loyal and trustworthy and
this I'd say
He's going to wander this earth
for a few more years
But when he's gone no one will
shed tears
For his has been an adventurous
life it's true
And he has no regrets, so he'll
expect none from you.
So if your ever in the country
Keep an eye peeled for someone
Just might be Old Grey Wolf
Stumbling around and being aloof
Don't be afraid, no don't you
be scared
Old Grey Wolf long life, full
of life he'd share
Old Grey Wolf started out life
in a den of four
When his chapter's over it won't
be a sign to close the door
Cause soon somewhere there'll
be four more
Longing to linger and learning
to explore
And watching and waiting to
even the score
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