Hi I'm Angelwing
     this is my Guardian Angel
    that I adopted, her name is
Another Angel I Adoped on Feb. 2, 1999
 Gosh, I can't believe it is already another year among us.
(time sure flys doesn't it?)
It seems just like yesterday I was in my teens and now I am an
adult and I think of life and things much different then I did when
I was younger.
(Don't we all)
        I believe we all learn something new everyday in life... no matter how old we are.
           My Hobbies are making Arts & Crafts and I just love seeing smiles on peoples faces
       and if I can put a smile on someones face then it has made my day,
But my best hobby
is seeing my two Daugthers growing up,
         and seeing my first Grandchild (granddaughter) that was born, (Sept. 1998)
God has giving me three beautiful girls and they are my special angels,
thats why I just love Angels, sent down from above.
Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of  maltreatment! 
   I have meant alot of wonderful people here on the net that has touched
   my heart and may god bless each and everyone one of you and the ones that
     I have not came in contact with, may god bless each and every one of you also.
         So to all my friends and you visiting my site here is a Quote for the day for you
Lovingyou.com's Love Quote of the Day 
    I have made this site with Love and Peace for all man kind.
    Site was built Jan 1999
 My Other Pages
My Guardian Angel
 Take A One Minute Survey 
 A Friend Like You 
 When God Created Mothers 
Relax For A Moment
 A Cats Prayer 
 Hot Links 
 Snack Time 
 The Wolf 
How I Miss The Past
 This Is A Beginning Of A New Day 
 My Friends Page 
 Weg Rings I Belong To 
Angel Was Born 
 Play Checkers 
  Win My Award 
 Free Musical Greeting Cards 
 Friends Love 


 Visit My Site   Country Music
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site to say you support against
violence to all the woman
This CANDLE was lit to show support against the violence toward all women.
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