As for the basics, my name is Stacey (DUH! I know! LOL)
I live in North Carolina. I have been married for
almost seven years and have two beautiful children.
I am a full time student, studying Emergency Medical Science.
When I graduate, I will be qualified to work with Life Flight or other
Specialty areas of the hospital. I hope to one day work in Trauma.
Well, that's all the basics, now for the 'tough' stuff. I think everyone learns
more about who they are by where and how life takes them down their road.
I'm not saying my whole life has been fate. I myself, have
made good and bad choices for myself. I can say, though,
that I have learned from them, and payed a price for some.
So, what have I learned?
I have learned that NO THING can take the place of your family.
But with that I have also learned that 'family' is not always those
you share the same blood line with. Don't get me wrong, I love my family dearly
and I am proud of my blood line.
I guess what I am saying is that I have learned
that if someones love comes with a pricetag, it's not love I want.
I have learned that sometimes some of the people you expect
the worst from... well, you can be wrong.
I have also learned on that same note, that those you
expect to 'be there'... you can be wrong there to, and that this usually hurts the worst.
I have learned that to be there for someone is one of the
greatest things you can do, but that sometimes to not to be
is exactly what that person needs for now. Sometimes
lessons have to be learned on your own. But I never give up.
Giving up on a person is just WRONG!
I have learned that no matter what you may think you know,
you may never know it all, so don't think you know how or
why someone feels or acts the way they do.
I have learned to always say what you feel
you may not have a second chance.
I have learned that seeing only what you want to see
doesn't make it real, and that sticking your head in the sand
doesn't make the truth go away.
I have learned that I am the only one who can choose my path
and that hurting others to get there is NOT the way.
Ok, I'm signing off for now. There is a lot more, will be back later!! :)
~*~If you want to kiss the sky, you better learn how to kneel~*~