He's With Me

"He's with Me" echoed in my spirit,
"He's with Me" spoke eternity's Lamb
No longer hurting but in perfect peace
In the presence of the great I AM.

Calm coming to replace the turmoil,
His Master has called his name,
Slipping free from the bonds of earth
Into the glory of the God who came -

He awoke into Life everlasting,
Breathing Love as he had breathed air,
Surrounded, inundated, immersed in
His Father's miraculous grace and care.

Freed from the chains that bound him,
Soaring with abandon before the throne
Of Light and Life, the Eternal,
By Jesus, one of Jehovah's own.

Joy surging as he realizes his place
Of honor at his Father's right hand,
Heart to heart, kept and beloved
In Jehovah's resplendent land.

"He's with me," whispered the Spirit,
"He's with me, no reason to fear,
For he walks the streets of gold
In my land without pain or tear.


©1996 Donna Faulkner Pyle


Welcome Home - painting by Danny Hahlbohm
painting used with permission of the artist:
Danny Hahlboh

This poem was given to my sister on the occasion of the death of our father.  She had just gotten a call from our step-mother that she had but him in the ambulance to go to the hospital.  He had been home for two days after having a heart attack and surgery.  God let my sister know before she got to the hospital, that dad had already gone home.  It has been a source of comfort ever since then.
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