Think (When the World)

Think on things above,
When the world tries to distract,
Consider LIFE in the glory
With the Author of salvation's story,
Heart set on Him, never looking back.

Ponder His marvelous presence,
The warmth of His embrace,
Made full and free,
Blind heart allowed to see,
Miracles by the blood and His grace.

Meditate on His majesty,
The glory found in His throne,
The Shekinah light,
Power and might,
On forever as one of His own.

Entering by the blood into Him,
Warmth pervading spirit and soul,
Peace reigning,
His Love sustaining,
Freely giving Him complete control.

Glory light fulling my vision,
Desiring only to rest and remain
In this luminous land
Of life in His hand
Through the miracle of His name.

©1996 Donna Faulkner Pyle

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