Welcome to my kitchen. I hope you will enjoy the tips and recipes. If you have any
you would like to share please send them to me and I will post them on this site.
Thank you for visiting and enjoy your stay. Don't forget to bookmark us ;-)

Recipe for a Happy Day

1--cup humor

2--heaping tsp. of time

1--pinch of warm personality

4--heaping tsp. of patience


Instructions for mixing::

   Measure words carefully. Add heaping cups of understanding, use generous amounts of time & patience. Cook on front burner, but keep temperature low, DO NOT BOIL. Add generous dash of humor & a pinch of warm personality. Season to taste with spice of life.Serve in individual molds.

          HAVE A HAPPY DAY!


Peanut Butter Playdough--eatible


1cup peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

1 1/2-2 cups powdered milk


For decorating:

raisins, mini m&m's, coconut


Mix peanut butter & honey-----add enough powdered milk to make it workable


To make a triple batch use only 4 cups of powdered milk



Country Brunch Skillet

            6 bacon strips

            6 cups frozen cubed hash brown potatoes

            3/4 cup chopped green pepper

            1/2 cup chopped onion

            1 teaspoon pepper

            6 eggs

            1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

In large skillet,over medium heat,cook bacon until crisp.Remove bacon,crumble & set aside.

Drain, reserving 2 tablespoons of drippings.Add potatoes,green pepper,onion salt & pepper to drippings; cook & stir for 2 minutes.Cover & cook stirring occasionally,until potatoes are browned & tender---about 15 minutes.Make 6 wells in the potato mixture; break 1 egg into each well.Cover & cokk on low heat for 8-10 minutes or until eggs are completely set.Sprinkle with chesse & bacon.  Yield 6 servings.


Saucy Potatoes

            1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup,undiluted

            1/4 cup chicken broth

            5 medium potatoes,cooked & cubed

In a saucepan,combine soup & broth;stir in potaoes. Cook over medium-low heat until mixture just begins to simmer & potaotes are heated through..  Yield 4 servings-----3/4 cup for a diabetic is exchange for 2-1/2 starch------3/4 cup serving with low fat soup & low sodium broth equals 166 calories, 288 mg sodium, 5 mg cholesterol, 35 mg carbohydrate, 5 gm protein & 1 gm fat



Fun for Kids in the Kitchen---

Dogs In A Sweater

            1 pkg.(11ounces) refrigerated breadstick dough

            8 hot dogs

            8 hot dog buns         

            8 popsicle sticks

            Ketcup,mustard and/or ranch dressing

Separate dough: roll ech piece into a 15 inch rope.Insert sticks into hot dogs lengthwise.Starting at one end: wrap dough in a spiral around the hot dog: pinch ends to seal. Place 1 inch apart on a baking sheet that has been coated with non stick cooking spray.Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes. Serve with toppings of your choice.



Bubble pizza

            1-1/2 lbs.ground beef

            1 can pizza sauce

            2 tubes(12 ounces each) refrigerated buttermilk biscuits

            1-1/2 cups (6ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese

            1 cup(4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese

In a skillet,brown the beef,drain.Stir in pizza sauce. Quarter the bisucits:place in a greased 13 inch x  9 inch x2 inch baking dish.Top with the beef mixture.Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.Sprinkle with cheeses. Bake 5-10 min. longer or until cheese is melted.Let stand for 5-10 min. Yield 6-8 servings.



decorating tips

Place mats-have dollies not being used-use them on dining room table as place mats,they make a table look nice


Candles--make a quick elegant center piece with white votive candles,put them in a clear bowl of coarse salt to make an inexpensvie *candles in the snow* centerpeice


Yuletide dining--use green,red,white mix & match dishes bought at a yard sale to accent the holiday for a inexpensive yet elegant table setting

Dress up your window tops using cloth napkins---caddy corner them over the rod-----use same colors or alternating colors to blend


Have a old lace table cloth that can't be used on table--put it on back of couch or love seat as a accent


Put color under the lace table cloth on your table---use a sheet under the table cloth


Got a nail keg sitting around or a wooden barrel, use it in bathroom to put extra toliet paper in then it becomes a decorative piece


Decorate kitchen wall with lattice------paint a color to go in kitchen & use it to hang utensils or cups etc,from.


cleaning tips

Dirty phones---use a cotton swab dipped in vinegar to clean around numbers
Smoke smell---scatter baking soda on the fabric/furniture/let stand for a few hrs.----then vacuum
Black heel marks---put a little mayonnaise on cloth------it will quickly remove marks from linoleum floor
Nail polish remover will give chrome a sparkle
Rusty steel wool-----store in freezer rather than under the sink
Scuff marks on white shoes can be covered with white typewriter fluid before polishing.

Kitchen Tips


In a hurry---want mashed potatoes---use frozen hash browns,they are in small pieces & quick to



When slicing chesse with a cheese slicer spary it with nonstick cooking spary & it will work so much better


Don't waste sour cream by serving it with a spoon use a knife then scrape the knife off on edge of container


Not alot of time to dice those onions then try using frozen diced/chopped onions--they are great


Need a pastry bag but don't have one then snip the corner out of a plastic bag & there you go--a pastry bag that after using can be thrown away


Is your coconut dry--then soak it in milk for about 30 minutes before using--the leftover coconut flavored milk can be used within 5 days in baked goods or blended with fresh foods for a tasty beverage


Don't waste time cleaning your grille--instead put it in a clean plastic trash bag & spray generously with oven cleaner & close tightly overnight.The next day washing grate will be a breeze


Parenting Tips


1--I will always love & respect my child for who they are NOT for who

     I want them to be

2--I will NOT burden my child with emotions & problems they aren't equipped

    to deal with,remembering I am the parent,they are the child

3--I will let my child know when disclipine is necessary that I disapprove of the

    ACTION not who they are

4--I will set limits for my child & help them to find security in knowing what is

    EXPECTED of them

5--I will make time for my child & cherish our moments together,realizing how

    VERY IMPORTANT they are

6--I will create a LOVING home enviroment & SHOW my child that they are


7--I will be sure to give my child space--to grow,dream,succeed,& even to fail

8--I will encourage my child to experience the world & all its possiblities,guiding

    her/him ways & taking pains to leave her/him carefully not fearful

9--I will take care of myself physcially & emotionlly so I can't be there for my

    child when they need me

10--I will try to be the kind of person I want my child to be when they grow up

      to be---loving,fair-minded,moral,giving & hopeful


1--I would finger paint more & point the finger less

2--I would do less correction & more connecting

3--I would take my eyes off my watch & watch with my eyes

4--I would care to know less & know to care more

5--I would stop playing seriously & seriously play

6--I would run through more fields & gaze at more stars

7--I would do more hugging & less tugging

8--I would be firm less often & affirm much more

9--I would build self-esteem first & the house later

10--I would teach less asbout the love of power,

      And more about the POWER OF LOVE