I would like to share a little about me.
I am a wife of a Vietnam Vet. Mom of two,
Nana of three. Live in the country
in a log home. Enjoy reading, playing card games
on computer, being a friend, writing letters.
Would really enjoy making some new friends.


Table Of Contents

Kitchen: Contains great recipes, parenting tips, decorating tips!

Sitting Room: Nana Knows advice column! Sharing my Old
southern wisdom to answer all your questions.
Under construction!!

Memorial tribute to Veterans: tribute to those who gave their all!

The Fire Place: Join the veterans support group. For veterans
and those who who love and care for them.

Subscribe to 1veterans
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The Garden: A secret place for grandparents. Support for
those who are raising their grandkids, for those who
are or have fought for their rights to see their grand
children after messy divorces. For all grandparents
a place to share and brag about or grandkids or just
take a trip down memory lane. Join us!

Subscribe to 1Grandparents
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Teddy Reserve: A special place for all the teddies I find alone
in cyber space who need a home and lots of
love. Stop in an visit with them. They love hugs!