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Cream And Sugar's
Very Special Page

My Son

"Dear Little One, I wish two things:
To give you roots ... 
and to give you wings..." 




"To laugh often and love much;
to win the respect of intelligent persons,
the approval of honest citizens and the affection of children. 
To endure the betrayal of false friends;
to find the best in others;
to give of one's self;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. 
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
---This is to have succeeded."


My Son age 9 1/2


Why God Made Little Boys

God made a world out of His dreams
of majestic mountains, oceans and streams,
prairies and plains and wooded land,
then paused and thought,
"I need someone to stand on top of the mountains,
to conquer the seas,
explore the plains and climb the trees.
Someone to start out small
and grow sturdy and strong like a tree,"
and so...He created boys.
Full of spirit and fun,
to explore and conquer,
to romp and run,
with dirty faces and banged up chins
with courteous hearts and impish grins.
When He had completed the task He'd begun
He surely said, "That's a job well done."




Part of ADHD  is the impulsivity.
Quick thinking and acting.
...But that is not a bad thing.
Many great people in history have had it.
Whether formally diagnosed or not.
They are our genius', explorers, inventors, our Einstein's.
They are the movers and the shakers,
that make things happen in this world.
With proper guidance they can and will move mountains.



...But that is not a bad thing

To laugh 
is to risk appearing the fool. 
To weep 
is to risk appearing sentimental. 
To reach out for another 
is to risk involvement. 
To expose your feelings 
is to risk exposing 
your true self. 
To place your ideas, 
your dreams, 
before a crowd 
is to risk their loss. 
To love 
is to risk not being loved in return. 
To live 
is to risk dying. 
To hope 
is to risk despair. 
To try 
is to risk failure. 
But risks must be taken, 
because the greatest hazard in life is to do nothing. 
Persons who risk nothing 
do nothing 
have nothing 
and are nothing. 
They may avoid suffering and sorrow 
But they cannot 
or live. 
Chained by their attitudes 
They are slaves, 
for they have forfeited their freedom. 
Only a person who risks is free.



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