All The Time...
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My Love
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This is page is dedicated to
my husband


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If you could lay before me
All the treasures of this earth,
They couldn't light a candle to
Just what our friendship's worth.
For could a diamond melt my heart
The way you often do?
Could a ruby really say
The love I have for you? 
Could a million dollar piece of gold
Reach out a loving hand?
Could it speak the words to you
As only a true friend can? 
Pray, no, they can't for they have no heart,
And their glitter fades away,
But you and I as friends,
Can build our friendship, day by day.
And though the world will never understand
Just how much you mean to me,
It's because they don't have my eyes
And can't see the heart I see.
For all the words in all the world
Could never even begin to say
How much I treasure our friendship
And the love we share today.

And so I've penned this poem for you
So you'd begin to see,
How much I treasure who you are
And what you mean to me.

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Come take my hand
Let's walk!
Give me you--
Eyes saying --Hi
Glances saying I care
Handholds that let me know you were only teasing;
Hugs saying--Thank you for being you!
Kisses that-- gently want me;
Then Love--
That says, I'll be there tomorrow
and everyday here after.

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Walk with me in LOVE

Talk to me
about what you cannot say to others
Laugh with me
even when you feel silly
Cry with me
when you are most upset
Share with me
all the beautiful things in life
Fight with me
against all the ugly things in life
Create with me
dreams to follow
Have fun with me
in whatever we do
Work with me
towards common goals
Dance with me
to the rhythm of our love
Walk with me
throughout life
Let us hug each other
at every step in our journey
forever in love

- Susan Polis Schutz

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The Heart Does Not Forget

The heart does not forget the things
that made it feel so right~
It keeps in loving memory
The smiles, so warm and bright.
the words of real encouragement
That kept it from despair.
The little deeds of thoughtfulness
That made the skies more fair...
The heart does not forget such things~
I know this especially
because my heart
is filled with thoughts
Of all you've done for me.

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Being married to you has been the finest thing that's ever happened to me. You have been my partner, my lover, and my very best friend. Knowing I have your love let's me face lifes troubles, secure in the knowledge that there is a special person who thinks about me, supports me and cares for me more deeply than anyone else... I'm thankful to be able to share my life with you.

  I love you. I'll always love you

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I love looking back to where we began, seeing us as where we were at the beginning, then slowly leafing through the memories we've made together to bring us to where we are today. I love anticipating the days ahead of us, wondering what we'll find in each other, in ourselves, before another year has slipped away. But best of all, I love being with you where we are today, together writing the pages we'll remember tomorrow.

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To have been loved
is wonderful.
To have given life,
a miracle
To have shared tears, joy, laughter and love...

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Cream and Sugar's Home Page

All The Time...        Friendship is a Gift       Fly       

What a Wonderful World        My Wish       

Something Special        Carousel

Tomorrow Is Not Pomised

A Mother's Heart

The Counter Top        Awards I Have Received



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