Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to sign my guest book, it means a lot that you took the time. Here you can see what others have to say about "My Place" here in the Hollow. This will continue to be a work in p
ogress, so I hope you will stop by from time to time, to see the changes. Have a wonderful day....
comfortable. Not drinking too much. Regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week). Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries. At ease. Eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats). A patient better driver. A safer car (baby smiling in back seat). Sleeping well (no bad dreams). No paranoia. Carefull to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole). Keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then). Will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall). favours for favours. Fond but not in love. Charity standing orders. On Sundays ring road supermarket. (No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants.) Car wash (also on sundays). No longer afraid of the dark. Or midday shadows. Nothing so ridiculously teenage or desperate, nothing so childish. At a better pace. Slower and more calculated. No chance of escape. Now self-employeed. Concerned (but powereless). An empowered & informed member of society (pragamatism not idealism). Will not cry in public. Less chance of illness. Tyres that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat). A good memory. Still cries at a good film. Still kisses with saliva. No longer empy and frantic. Like a cat. Tied to a stick. calm. Fitter, healthier and more productive.
Nice backgrounds on the season openers. I especially like the xmas tree you did.
Gee, Mom, your site is so huge now. How could I ever really see everything. I must say you are doing wonderfully, and have come quite a long way since you started.
I have only one criticism... The graphics are really hard on us folks that can't get a decent isp yet. They are excellent pics that I know you've worked very hard on but... isn't there any way to put them through a shrinky dink machine. LOL. I know th
re isn't. But, maybe you could reduce colors for what you use to decorate the pages and put links to the full blown images??? (you know, but only if it doesn't totally ruin the image to begin with) And with the WET's/descriptions you could put thumbnai
s (50x50 to 100x100 ish) that link to the full blown image.
okay, 2, sorry. The tables with the WET #'s could have the future wets not actually linked to anything to avoid the broken link page at geocities, and I don't think your sign guestbook page needs the disclaimer anymore as there seems to be no banner.
Anyway, not trying to be a pain or cause discouragement. Just, that first one is my peave cuz I know it is really hard to keep someone interested in a site that takes "too long" to load, that it is cool or might be worth the wait doesn't occur to lots of
folks. :) "Too long" is one of those indefinable things that changes from person to person, but it is always a good bet that if you make the teaser as fast as possible with acceptable degradation it is more likely they will look at some non-teaser stuff
Did that make any dang sense? I hope so cuz I'm not sure I could follow it if I re-read it.
Anyway, you're doing great! Keep up the good work, and don't let your finicky smart aleck kid get to you. I mean really!!!
Love ya!!
John (oh, duh, you were supposed to guess :-x)
Hey Jean,
We love your site. It is great. You are a master at computer graphics. You continue to amaze us at your talent. We love you very much. I am so glad I got to see you again. Talk to you later. Take care.
Angie & Charles
Jean, I am always very impressed everytime I look at your home page. I know how proud you are of it, and I would be if I was you.. I think it is a great tribute to your family and shows how proud of them you are and how much you love them.. My favorite
ection is Jazz.. I love her picture!
I can't believe how far you've come in such a short time. All I can say is... OUTSTANDING. Keep up the good work. The narrative with the pictures of the house really bring it together, I almost feel like I've visited now. BTW, tell yourself and Dad wh
t a wonderful job you've done! Very impressive.
As for me being wrapped around that little she devil's finger... yeah, okay, so... can you really blame me? She is such a cutie in more ways than looks. I just can't help it. :)
Your whole site is really coming together well, and I can't help but agree, yours is the most improved I've seen in a long time. Good job, Mom.
Love you!
Any Children:: Darrin - Married to Elizabeth - age 33 - Ann Arbor, Michigan; Denise - Age 30 - Married to Rev. John Warring - 2 children - Scott City, Kansas
Any Grandchildren: 2 Most beautiful, smart and talented grandchildren in the world. Anna Elaine Warring - age 7, Jack Warring - age 7 months
Enjoy Gardening: YOU BET
Where Are You - State/Country: Vernon Hills, Illinois
Really enjoyed your pictures. I'm sure impressed with Jon's brickwork - even more than his golf form. Looks like a great setting and beautifully landscaped garden - lots of work, but sure worth the effort. Hope to see you when you come to Vernon Hills.
Tell Me About You: you know more than you want already
Where Are You - State/Country: home,IL USA
What a great page, this is the first personal page I've visited, but I'm very impressed. If Jon Decides to go into business, your home is a wonderful advertisement for what he can do. I feel so much closer to you after visiting with you via your page.
What Are Your Hobies: talking to you, computers, gardening,reading, cooking...
Do You Enjoy Gardening : when the weather cooperates...
Tell Me About You: you know me better than I do sometimes:-)
Where Are You - State/Country: Nevada, US
You are doing well! I am really proud of your work here - and the fact that you are actually doing it in the first place! Now just keep plugging
(wow - my kids are all over the net now:-))
What Are Your Hobbies: learning new things, graphics, html, music, fiber arts, cooking, botany, homeschooling...and more!
Do You Enjoy Gardening: I love flowers and plants, especially wild ones!
Tell Me About You: Well, we share some grandchildren :)
Where Are You - State/Country: Pacific Northwest, USA
Jean, you have a wonderful start on your page! I knew you had the determination and creativity to do it. I look forward to seeing more of your great photography and finding out about your gardening.
You might also want to look at my Pacific Northwest Plants site. Best wishes always, Diane
P.S. Thanks for displaying photos of my grandkids. [grin!]