The Researchers
For those who are bitten by the Genealogy bug,
I commend you.  Without your efforts
in the digging of bones, we wouldn't
know our history and therefore
we wouldn't know ourselves.
Happy Digging:)

Who We Are
Everthing you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.
Take a quick click and find out more.

Betsy Dobbs-Smith
It's me!  Blue-eyed Pepsiholic:)
I'm researching EVERYBODY!  LOL!
Bet's Pics

Betty Dobbs-Wilson
A fellow Dobbs researcher and my
first cousin!

Shirley Scott
An all around great lady!
Scott and Hochstatler/Huffstutler are her specialties!

Joe Ray Smith
A Dobbs/England/Smith researcher and
my second cousin!
Plus he's a sweetie:)

Wanna be posted?  No problem, email me a bio if you want and the surnames your interested in and up you'll go!