<BGSOUND SRC="/angeltreysmom/IWillAlwaysLoveYouWhitneyHouston.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
In  Loving Memory of My Angel Trey
Born January 29th, 1973 Returned Home September 4th, 1994
Trey, you were always telling or signing us to let us know
how much you loved all of us. 
We love and miss you with each passing day.
  We miss you so very much....
She lay in the darkness each night, wondering why ?
God took him that morning, so early in life
She awakes each morning crying in tears
Wondering about those Twenty-one years
She will fight through the day
The emptiness, and the pain
Wondering why he was taken away
She watched her children grow each day
In Memory of My Angel Trey
Love Mom
11-24-94 copyrightsLLHC
When you were just a little boy, your pa-pa was one of many people who loved you.
There was nothing that you would not do for him. Pa-pa and Ma-ma were almost like your parents.
They loved you so much, and when you returned home, Ma-ma and Pa-pa just could not believe that you had left us. I have had a difficult time in life now that you are gone. My life is very different now, with you not here to share it with all of us.
Daddy died 8-ll-95, it was truly hard when that happened 11 months after you.
You both are
Side by Side Forever Together.          I love you both so much.
      Here is the poem I wrote for Trey and my Dad.

My son it has been almost a year since you went away.
My life is so different now with you not here.
So many things have changed
Except the feelings and the love we shared together.
It is still so very real to me.
I still burn a candle each day,
And you are still in my mind and heart so deep.
Life can change in a twinkling of an eye
One second you are here and life is fine
And the next your whole world can change
Not only have I lost you my Son
But now I have lost my Father
Your Grandfather
Whom you loved more than life itself
He is with you Side by Side Forever Together
How much can one heart endure?
I loved you both so much
He was my strength and you were my child
Two very different people
Yet so much alike
He instilled in you the most important part of life
How to love and be loved
I know your love for him was real and his for you
One day we will be reunited
And that day I am looking forward to
I miss and love both of you so much
Our life here will never be the same

   In Memory of my Dad and My Son
Carl B. Hancock  Returned home  8-11-95
Trey Cooke  Returned home 09-04-94

All Copyrights to Poetry.
Written and Published By:
Linda LCBragg - 1995
Please Do Not Use Any Poetry on Pages
Without Permission
        Web site created
       January 29th, 1999.
            We Miss You!
             Trey Cooke
        1-29-73 / 9-4-94

Until God took her Son away
Once her eyes were filled with joy
But now she grieves for the loss of her boy
Her eyes are now swollen and red
And emptiness inside, that will never go away
She woke one morning an ordinary day
Doing the things she did every day
She received the sad news of her Son that day
She fell to her knees and just could not believe
Wondering why he had to leave
She on her knees, helpless and crying
She still cries during the day
And in the darkness each night.
Wondering why?
Her Son had to leave.
Trey Cooke-Treasure We Will Always Love You - Gone But Not Forgotten
You Don’t Bring Me Flowers