My Notes About (so-called) 12x12 Paper

And Now, 12x12 Albums, too!

This page started as a list that I had compiled for myself to shop for acid-free, lignin-free 12x12 paper, which often isn't really 12x12 at all. I decided to post the list on the web in the hope that a) it might be useful to others, and b) others would contribute information about brands that I haven't encountered yet.

If you know the actual size of a brand of acid-free, lignin-free 12x12 paper that isn't on this list, please let me know. My email address starts with lsbess and ends in, or you can use this mailto link by removing the 9nospam9 before sending: Email me

Important Notes:

The paper list is incomplete. There are many other brands of paper out there, and I am happy to add any that are missing (just let me know). The "Notes" column is particularly incomplete (e.g., I'm sure that many of the brands include recycled content -- I just happen to know about a few). I'm also happy to remove any brand or link if the manufacturer or vendor doesn't want it here.
The paper list may contain errors. The information here was gathered from my personal shopping observations and from the web sites and people mentioned on the page. If you see an error here, please let me know so I can fix it.
This page contains no recommendations or value judgments. The lists below are in no particular order, other than the paper being generally grouped by size for convenience. I have not used all of the paper listed here or all of the vendors who provided paper size information, and I don't sell anything. It isn't necessarily good or bad that a paper is a particular size or contains recycled content, except to the extent that it fits your album or other otherwise meets your needs.
That's the end of the caveats! :-)

New on May 15, 2000
12x12 album list -- please send me information to share with your fellow scrappers! (The caveats about the paper list also apply to the album list...)

The List:

PaperActual SizeNotes
Paper Adventures paper 12" x 12"(including the Diamond Dust, Mix n Match collections, and Two-Tones)
Scrap Patch solid color card stock12" x 12"
DOTS/CTMH Background & Texture paper and matching cardstock12" x 12"white core
DOTS/CTMH cardstock12" x 12"
The WRITE Stock (a division of The Paper Company) cardstock12" x 12"recycled content
DMD/Paper Reflections cardstock12" x 12"recycled content
Me and My BIG Ideas paper12" x 12"
Freckle Press paper12" x 12"
Patchwork Memories cardstock12" x 12"
The Gifted Line paper12" x 12"
Susan Branch paper12" x 12"
Frances Meyer paper12" x 12"
Current cardstock12" x 12"
Bazzill cardstock12" x 12"
Pebbles In My Pocket cardstock (new style announced July 2000)12" x 12"
Design Originals paper12" x 11 3/4"
Hot Off the Press (Paper Pizazz) paper12" x 11 3/4"
Colors By Design paper12" x 11 3/4"
Provo Craft paper11 7/8" x 11 7/8"
Provo Craft Scrap PadsSmaller than 12x12
The Crafter's Workshop paperSmaller than 12x12
Making Memories cardstockSmaller than 12x12
Making Memories paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Keeping Memories Alive (KMA) cardstock11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Paper Patch paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
NRN paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Rainbow paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Pixie Press paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Printworks paper11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Paper Garden cardstock11 3/4" x 11 3/4"
Pebbles In My Pocket cardstock bought before July 200011 3/4" x 11 3/4"
AlbumActual SizeNotes
Dalee12" x 12"post-bound
CTMH/DOTS12" x 12"post-bound
Creative MemoriesSmaller than 12x12page measured within the jeeping; strap-hinge binding
PioneerSmaller than 12x12

Thanks to these sites and the people behind them for posting actual size information and/or answering my questions about paper sizes:
Sabina's Scrapbook Attic
The Scrap Patch
Say Cheese! Scrapbooking Supplies
Panda Bear Paper Crafts
Two Peas In a Bucket
Scrappin' Happy
Patchwork Memories
Scrapping Creations

Thanks also to these people for contributing information for this page:
Tara in VA
Holli Kearns

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Last updated July 19 2000