Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mom - 03/09/00 03:06:49

Just checking in---we too have much to be thankful for--you are one of the BEST!!

Jim & Wendi - 12/22/99 22:41:24

Hey, we were just checking out the pictures of the girls. That last one is great, not that the others aren't. Happy holidays, we look forward to seeing everyone Christmas morning. Jim

Mom - 12/19/99 20:02:25

Love the home page and especially the pictures. We had a great time at the Thomasson B-Day festivities and look forward to seeing you on Christmas. We love you!!!YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!

Mom - 10/05/99 01:03:36

Just checking in to see if there are any updates that I may have missed. I'll call and have a fix. Looking forward to seeing you--YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Me - 09/03/99 22:16:25

HI all/ Thanks for stopping by!

Gina - 08/14/99 20:52:07
My Email:GFrisella@aol.com


Alison - 07/14/99 11:10:06
My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/1318/
My Email:bennett_alison@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: just poking around

Just great!! Looks like a lot of fun

Gina - 07/11/99 22:19:06
My Email:GFrisella@aol.com
How did you find us?: a little bird told me...

Hey guys, you are SO COOL, definitely the most computer advanced friends I have...I have thought about it before, but you have inspired me to make my own web page (someday)... GOOD JOB!!

Jimmy Mc et al - 07/09/99 18:22:02
My URL:http://yo.baby.com
My Email:oh2fishnow@aol.com
How did you find us?: be real ?

Looks great ! Just got in from Michigan last night. Had a great time.

Aunt Muffy - 07/09/99 04:42:00
My Email:muffereno@aol.com
How did you find us?: Read your mail & you suggested that we look at your home page.

Nice pictures!! We finally get to see pictures! Happy 5th birthday Caroline. . and many, MANY MORE. Love Aunt Muffy, Uncle Jack, Pat and favorite cousin Dan!

Jim and Wendi - 07/06/99 20:21:14
My Email:james.thomasson@cwix.com
How did you find us?: you know...

Looks like a great time! Jim and I have a gift for you Caroline! Maybe this weekend, when he comes home we can bring it to you!

Lisa Will-Smith - 07/05/99 23:42:57
My Email:lisawill@i1.net
How did you find us?: E-mail

Hope Caroline had a great birthday. I can't believe that she's five either. Love you all, From Dave and Lisa

tracy weigel - 07/02/99 15:10:08
My Email:tweigel@novusnet.com

Hey! The party looks like it was a lot of fun...my favorite pic is the "nosepickers"! Tell Caroline that we hope she had a lot of fun and we love her!!! Tracy, Mike & Alex

Pamela Kennon - 06/21/99 05:02:53
My Email:pkennon@mail.win.com


- 06/12/99 20:29:45


Me - 06/12/99 17:16:41

Hello to everyone! Thanks for visiting my site!

- 06/03/99 01:29:02

Hi Cath, we visited your website. Your flower pictures are beautiful!! But not as beautiful as you and the girls!!!--We are only slightly prejudiced. and slightly west of Detroit....that was your father speaking. We love you--YOU ARE THE BEST!!!---THE " 's"

Mom - 05/13/99 02:37:34

Just stopped by to see if you had added anything new. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Love you all---YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

- 05/08/99 03:37:03


Mom - 05/01/99 02:06:54

Hey, I like the rabbit and Calvin's little dance. You're really getting technogeekie to the extreme! What are we going to do with you??? I love you---Mom YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Steven Burkett - 04/27/99 03:45:49
My URL:http://www.ooi.com/~sburkett/
My Email:steve@lunch.org
How did you find us?: Your shameless promotion ;-)

Nice site! I know you're an old pro, but in case you haven't seen it yet, you should take a look at http://www.hamsterdance.com/ Even if you've seen that one, have you seen: http://www.jesusdance.com ? (be sure to let the music load for both pages.) See you soon, Steven

Mom - 04/11/99 11:21:42

Say, how did you get Calvin jumping up and down? You're really starting to scare me!!--I was just checking to see if you had added any new pictures or anything--Love you, YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Grandpa Jim - 04/06/99 20:51:13
My Email:jctmit@dam.net
How did you find us?: I love you


Mom - 04/06/99 11:39:50
How did you find us?: The usual,you told me!!

Say, who are those cute little ragamuffins? Oh, it's those Will Women!!

Wendi - 04/06/99 03:39:39

Cute! Looks like Margaret enjoyed the chocolate! We spent the day at my Grandparents in Carlinville and then had to send Jim back last night :( We all miss him terribly already. Hope the studying is still going well for Jamie. I would think the nicer weather makes it more difficult to be diligent! Love you guys! Wendi and the boys!

- 04/04/99 01:20:00


Jim Thomasson - 03/31/99 00:50:52
How did you find us?: How do you think

Cathy, We just visited your web site. Imagine our surprise to see Henry as your feature du jur. I'm going to have to get my stuff together and put ours together.

- 03/28/99 22:07:52


mom - 03/28/99 18:53:47
My Email:jctmit@dam.net
How did you find us?: you told me to look

boy what a pained expression on grandma's face. but not cause i'm unhappy, just don't like getting my picture taken...

us - 03/27/99 15:40:32

Hi to all! Thanks for signing our book!

Sheri Clark - 03/23/99 16:03:43
My Email:sheric@inlink.com

Jim, we miss you. Your website looks great!! Cathy must be a pro now!! It has surpassed our page. Hope you and family are doing well. Sheri

- 03/23/99 02:13:53


- 03/15/99 02:48:09


- 03/14/99 15:54:04


Mom and Dad - 03/13/99 04:00:43
My Email:jctmit@dam.net
How did you find us?: We know everything!

Who is that guy with Margaret?--How come she's hiding her face? She acts like she doesn't know who he is? He looks vaguely familiar. Oh yes, he is the father of those beautiful girls!! We love you guys--YOU'RE THE BEST!!

- 03/12/99 00:33:59


- 03/11/99 04:27:01


- 03/10/99 04:07:27


Sheila Burkett - 03/10/99 02:01:08
My Email:saburkett@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: word of mouth

Love the pictures:=)

Mom and Dad - 03/09/99 22:58:57
My Email:jctmit@dam.net
How did you find us?: You told me to look!!

This is great Cathy!! You are turning into a regular techno-geek but I still LOVE you. I can pick your brain for techno-information. It's really nice to have my own personal Helpline. How do I save your stuff on my address bar?? That way I can go straight to it. Also, how do I find your goods on the e-bay auction???--Waiting for answers, please..---I love you--Mom

Cathy Will - 03/06/99 03:25:14
My Email:cwdz@ivillage.com
How did you find us?: my site!

Just checking if this works!

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