Antonio Almeida was born in Agua Pau, Sao Miquel, Azores. At 3 A.M. Oct. 22,1886 to a peasent father and mother. He never learned to read or write, like his ancestors before him. He would sign his name with an x. He would learn how to speak three languages fluently . Potugese, English and Italian. He played the mandolin and loved to sing when he played. A musical talent each of his children would inherit. He was 18 years old when he came to America on January 10, 1904. A Merchant Seaman as a boy. A mason by trade as a adult.He would raise 22 children. On the night Antonio died all his children were by his side. They came from all over America. Antonio died Febuary 12, 1973 in Fall River, Mass.
Rosa Brauca's Wedding Day
Rosa and Antonio had 7 children.
Rosa died to young, giving birth to her 8th child. Her children ages were 18 months to 12 years when she passed away. She would work all day in the mill and come home and take care of her 7 children. How life must of been for this beautiful red haired ,blue eyed Portugese girl. She had one best friend here in America, Mary Maderio the young girl that lived next door.
Mary was a lot younger than Rosa in fact Mary was closer in age to Rosa's oldest daughters. She would play dolls with them When Mary was old enough to work in the mill she worked on the same machine with Rosa. They walked to and from work together, ate lunch together. A friendship so deep , that Mary, would talk about it , the rest of her life. Rosa would tell Mary do not marry to young and do not have a lot of children.
The day Rosa gave birth to my mother, Mary at the age of 15 would help the mid wife deliver her. Mary said my Grandmother Rosa delivered my mother, wrapped her in blanket put her in the cradle behind the coal stove to keep her warm Made a pot of coffee and Antonio's dinner than started scrubbing the kitchen floor The next day she was back in the mill working
This would all take a toll on Rosa By the time she delivered her eighth child Her young body could not take it Her exact age not really known Her marriage records say she was 19 when she married. She would of been 32 when she died However, death certificate says she was 25 when she died If that is true, she started having children at 13 years of age.
Rosa and her infant daughter she was carrying died on the 12th birthday of Rosa's twin daughters. Oct. 11, 1919
Four months after her passing Antonio married Mary Maderio. She kept her best friend Rosa's children from being orphaned.
Back then the law was ,both parents had to be living or the state took the children. Knowing this had to be done for Rosa she eloped, against her parents wishes. Her parents would disown her. Not speaking to her for years. And 18 year old girl became the mother of 7 children.
She would be the one Rosa's babies would call Mama. She would see to it Rosa's children stayed toghether. She too would work in the mill and she to would learn to love Antonio as Rosa had.
Mary than blessed him with 15 more children. Antonio and Mary where married 53 years.
The night Antonio was waked I was with Mary, she was to ill herself attend. That night, my self, carrying a child, I sat on Mary and Antonio's bed,talking drinking tea and she told me all about The Grandmother I never knew. The mother, my mother ,barely remembered That night 54 years after Rosa died, she became alive to me. Thanks to a women that loved her, enough to keep her memory alive, Thank-you to the only Grandmother I ever knew Mary Maderio for sharing and caring enough A Thank-you that is long over due.
Mary died on December 8, 1973. Nine months after Antonio.
Rosa Brauca b. Oct.1, 1888 Riberia Grande, Sao Miquel d. Oct.11, 1919 Prov. RI
Maria Maderio b.Jan. 16, 1902 Ponta Delgada , Sao Miquel d. Dec 8, 1973 Bristol, RI
Upon Antonio's passing he had 19 living children and over 100 grandchildren. Today the number is 11 living children and close to 300 Grand, Great and Great Great Grandchildren.
Thsi midi was picked for the sound of the Mandolin.