Once upon a time GeoCities had an award program
for excellent sites, and sleepy's Hollow was a

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Check out El Paso!
Though I don't live in El Paso--or even Texas--anymore, I've decided to keep the El Paso and area attractions. Check out the photos and you'll see why I am reluctant to take them down! The pics can't compare to seeing the Parks in person, but maybe you'll see why I enjoyed going there so much!

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Check out my help section!
Another thing I really enjoy is playing with my 'puter...everything from HTML to tweaking to javascript *g*  As I find time I'll be sharing some of my secrets with you, but for now you can check out my Need some help? section. My site is totally friendly to the javascript challenged. I use alternatives for all scripts for those who surf with javascript off (but why would you do that?) *s*

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Pick your own tunes!
If you have javascript on you're listening to...well, I don't know since there's a different tune each day (I do love my javascript *s*). If you've got it off then you're listening to Dan Fogelberg's Longer. You can find it under Play Some Tunes in the menu. I always thought this was a beautiful love song, but it wasn't until I really listened to it that I realized not only does it remind me of someone very close to my heart....it puts into words what I feel, but can't quite explain.

Feel free to look around...and don't worry about getting lost on my site. Just click on sleepy's Hollow in the navigation menu on the left and you'll come right back to this page! Of course, you can get to just about anywhere without having to come back to this page first  ;-)

While you're here, I'd appreciate it if you'd take a couple of minutes to sign my Guestbook and let me know what you think...thanks!!

Copyright ©1997-2001  Charlene C. Schaar
All rights reserved.