Current And Future Litters

           Most puppies are purchased to be loved and enjoyed as family companions (with Limited Registration), so people-loving dispositions and basic soundness are of the utmost importance in my breeding program.


           Barksalot terriers all have house privileges, are housebroken and get along with each other.

Let's Share

           The puppies are whelped and raised in the house for at least the first eight weeks to ensure a puppy socialized both with people and other terriers

Pogo and a Puppy

           My personal preference is for a terrier to be approximately 12" tall, tan and white, smooth to lightly broken coated, and that is what I try to raise.


           For more information, or to inquire about current and forthcoming litters, contact me at (509) 765-5043

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This page is copyright 1999 by Barksalot Jack Russell Terriers and Elsa Jensen.
No part of this site may be copied or reused without express written permission.