What's Happening in Skip's Life?


Most of the time in the Fall and Spring Skip teaches two courses at Southern Illinois University: Consumer Behavior and Promotional Concepts.  Both courses have CDs now so that students who take them via distant learning can not only see slide presentations for course material but also hear Skip lecture.  The CDs are also useful for students who take the courses on campus but can't seem to make it too class regularly.  Skip doesn't care why it's used so long as the students learn the material.manage-a-guitar (Skip 2009)

One of the things Skip is known for world-wide is his compilation and review of "psychometric scales."  These are the sophisticated measures of what people think, feel, and do used by researchers in surveys or experiments.  Skip recently published the fifth in a series of books about scales by marketers.  More about his work with scales can be found at his university site (the Office of Scale Research) and a personal site still under development (the Marketing Scales Database) intended to make it even easier for researchers to find measures they need.

Skip continues to have a strong interest in music.  Although he has written and recorded about 150 songs, he has only produced five albums that he is willing to share with others.  The first was called One Talent Man and was finished back in 1991 around the time Katy was born.  He worked on the second album for years and as the kids grew up and finally finished it in 1999 (To Be or Not To Be).  Work progressed much faster on his third album, Tree of Life (released in late 2002).  Skip finished his fourth album, For Hymn, in 2005.  Five Times Blue, his fifth album, was released in 2009.  (Here are the lyrics for the songs on that album.)  If you are curious what his music sounds like, check out these MP3 clips of some of the songs. BTW, though Skip doesn't pretend to be a collector of guitars, he is proud of these models he's bought since the late 1960s.

Finally, Skip has been expressing his spiritual beliefs in article form for years but only occasionally have those papers been available for others to see. A common theme in the articles is that despite Skip's strong Christian faith, he questions if GOD intended for Christianity to become a religion.  A few of the articles are available as well as his new blog if you are curious to know more about these issues.

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Copyright 2009, Dr. Gordon C. Bruner II