If this page doesn't take you to our new web site automatically, please click here. Littlehorse Great Danes
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My sweet, departed Vinnie is the star of this logo.
Well hello there, and welcome to  Littlehorse Great Dane's home page.

Littlehorse is a small kennel located in the hill country of Texas. We have been raising harlequin Great Danes for some time now, and have some of the most beautiful, healthy, happy, and friendly dogs in Texas.

If you do not have the time or the inclination to join a mailing list and have questions or problems, (within reason of course) email me and I will at least try to steer you to the proper channels for the information you seek.

Next to my family, which includes my Great Danes, I love to build web pages. If you do not have one and would like for me to build you a personal or professional web site, I'm at your service. I'm cheap and best of all, "I'm good"! I'll supply links so you can view some of my work. You may contact me by email by clicking on the mailbox and I will answer you as soon as humanly possible.

I want to thank you for stopping by, and please sign my guest book on your way out.

Happy surfing.

Melody, Johnny and the rest of the Littlehorse Posse.

Littlehorse Great Danes wishes to announce the  marriage of Melody Grund and Johnny
Rainwater, who is our new "Master of the Hounds".


Snail mail
 Johnny or Melody Rainwater
P.O. Box 698
Ingram, Texas 78025

Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook

Now for some links that could make you howl.

Fun Shots
"Holy Smoke!"
Tribute to Vinnie
Our training links.
Big Kids and Dad
FunFordable Web Design

Great Dane Home Page
Scarbrough Fair Great Danes

Liberte' Great Danes

 Casa Europa Great Danes
DaDane of the Week

McDane's Great Danes
Great Dane Collectibles
Dirt Road Ranch Great Danes


Native American Links
The Six Nations: The Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth.
Tribal Names and their meanings.
Tribal Profiles
Listing of federally Recognized Tribes.
American Indian Tribal Directory
Choctaw Home Page
Sioux Heritage

These are just a few of the links I have collected.  Most have to do with
mine and my husband's heritage.  His, more so than mine. I will be adding
more in the future.
If any links are down or broken, please email me.

Thank you,
Melody Rainwater

Great Dane Ring Home Page This Great Dane Ring site owned by
Littlehorse Great Danes

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Updated March 22, 2000<bgsound src="thunder.wav"></noemed><img SRC="serv" height=1 width=1>