D Quality Family N Parenting
Home on the WEB

We are one in the bond of love

Peace be with you! J
. Welcome and thank you for deciding to pay us
a visit. We are delighted and felt honored to have you as our guest.

In the physical world we are from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and this could
be very far or near from your physical location but in the cyber world
we are just at the "Click of the Button".

We created this site with our intention of sharing our joy and fun of
Quality Family Life in the cyber world together with you, our fellow
citizen in Geocities particularly in Heartland and the rest of communities
or individuals in this cyber world.

You will find our theme is very much focused Family Life with our
contributions and links which are based Parenting, Cooking Recipes,
Hometown Information, Fun and Spiritual Thoughts, and more to come…
which we find helpful to remind us of Who we are? Why we are? Where
we are? Thus making positive changes if our life style in areas Which
are not making positive contributions to make this world a better place
to live in.

If you have any suggestions to help us improve our contents, feel free to
to drop us your feedback. While waiting for your Browser to load the rest
of this page, instead of just waiting why not just to take a
a look at your good self before you continue with the rest of what we have
specially prepared for you in this page.

You are our Valued Visitors No:
since 05/21/97.

Again thank you and we do hope you enjoy your stay here.

P.S. - At any when you need to leave us, please let us to
you by clicking the relevant Icon or Hypertext Link found in our page.

As a thank you gesture for visiting
this website,
we would like to give you a
a FREE REPORT, entitled:
Increase Your Current Income Without Having
To Give Up All
Your Time And Freedom."