Ancestors & Descendants  

of Karen Elaine Shaffer, Hazel Ruth Phillips, and Grace Gainer

Lord Baltimore 3rd, Banks, Bartlett, Barton, Bennett, Bonnifield, Boyce, Boyles, Buckalew, Canfield, Calvert, Carter, Chamberlain, Champ, Chenoweth, Cox, Dean, DeMoss, Durr, Eberlin, Egner, Elliott, Fansler, Farmer, Fitzwater, Gainer, Garner, Gaunt, Gengelbach, Golden, Gough, Haddox, Harper, Hatfield, Holbert, Holmstrom, Holzgrefe, Hooker, Howell, Hyre, Johnson, Kalar, Kisner, Lantz, Loulis, Marsh, Mayer, Mayle, McGowan, Miller, Minear, Minier, Minnir, Nagel, Nester, Nestor, Parks, Parsons, Petitt, Phillips, Pitzer, Poland, Poling, Price, Prickett, Pugh, Reiger, Rieger, Ritchart, Rohrer, Saylor, Scalf, Schaefer, Schaffer, Seckman, Shafer, Shaffer, Shaver, Skidmore, Smith, Stalnaker, Strunk, Temple, Washburn, Watson, Wiles, Willemse,

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