Hi! Welcome to my Cuddle Page! I hope you like it!
If you're wondering what a Cuddle Page is, and what it's all about, then let me tell you about one of my favorite newsgroups, alt.cuddle, and its IRC cousin on DalNet, #cuddles, whose FAQ can be found here. Of course, if you're a Cuddler yourself, you already know what this is, and so on we go.
My sweetie teasingly called me "Teddy Bear Dee" one day when I told him what I was going to wear the weekend we finally met, and that got me to thinking about changing my .sig file for my e-mail messages. I'd seen all sorts of neat ones, and while I liked my old one, a quote from a song, I wanted one with a cute little ASCII picture, and so I went hunting in alt.ascii-art for a cute little Teddy bear. When I didn't find any, I posted arequest, and went on my way, hunting the web for a site with ASCII bears, and having no luck.
A day or three later, I got a reply via e-mail, directing me to the pages of one Sir Isle, from the Knight himself. I followed the link, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but dozens and dozens of ASCII bears! I saved the bear page, and then proceeded to wander around Sir Isle's wonderful Cuddle Pages and I really enjoyed what I found.
One of his links went to the CuddlePages, now maintaned by our one and only Locksley, and there I found even more things that I liked, especially the piece on "How to Survive a Long Distance Relationship," since I'd just recently fallen into one. I decided that alt.cuddle sounded like a really wonderful place, and so I scurried on over to the newsgroup and started reading, and reading, and reading....
I read posts by Princess Tuggy Bear, and her charming squire, Galahad, the Cuddlbug, CuddleAngel, Balloo Bear, Locksley the Irrepressible, a--
Locksley breaks in, shouting, "AND I AM TOO REPRESSIBLE... I AM TOO REPRESSIBLE..." He looks around, noticing all the shocked expressions, and adds, "Of course, it takes fifty CuddleElves, a large animated bear and a really bad week....
Oh, okay,... Locksley the Mostly Irrepressible, and lots and lots of other wonderful people. After very little deliberation, and a mention of Country music, I dove right in! My original Dee-lurk post never made it to the news server, and so Galahad thought I was trying to sneak in by joining in on the music post, and... well, he's been giving me a rough time ever since. I love it, but just don't tell *him* that... Oh, Hi Galahad!!! :)
All that was so much fun, that shy little me decided to brave the waters and check out #cuddles. I'd been on IRC for a few months (that's how I met my sweetie, after all), but never in any of the regular channels, just private ones with my friends. I gathered up my courage, pointed mIRC toward DalNet, and poked into the room, to be greeted by Princess Tuggy Bear herself!
My first visit is a blur in my memory, but a second soon followed, and then another, and another, and I met even more wonderful people -- some who are a.c posters and some who are not -- like Ms_Hug, the ChatFolks, TedEBare-, Mausi, CuddleAnt (AuntieK), and the CuddlePanther and Pantheress, to mention just a few.
As the months have passed, I have drifted in and out of both alt.cuddle and #cuddles, but I do stop in to visit now and again.
Last April, I started up the CuddleLand Web Ring, which was an idea some of the other Cuddlers had been tossing around for a few months. The ring has grown far beyond my expectations, with alt.cuddlers and others who also wanted to join
As promised, here are the pictures from our mini-CuddleIn in DC, June 13, 1998...left to right, me (Dee), Karen, and Sam
Thanks for visiting; come back again soon!
![]() ![]() TeddyBearDee. Want to join the CuddleLand Web Ring? |
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I'm also a proud member of the Sisterhood of the FaJiTA in alt.cuddle!
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Last Updated October 2, 1998 | ![]() |