ABBY -a BREATH-TAKING look at Lyn Winer's White SP by Diane Whitehouse
(yes Lyn is doing the Standards of Excellence, A 365 Standard Poodle A Day Calendar)

This stylish Poodle is drawn on material that has been incorporated into quilt work.
Diane has caught the essence of "CLASSIC"


This is Phoenix (red SP) as a puppy.
She captured that inquisitive sweet face of his :-)
(this is on a note card that Diane made from her original drawing

This is an 8x10 portrait of Diane Whitehouse's SP - Cassie
Isn't she lovely?
......and Take a peek at this one!!!!!!

Diane is so talented! She can doodle any dog.
(link here to view more drawings (note cards) by Diane Whitehouse)

This is the original poodledoodle lap quilt!
Diane has also made a lap quilt of her own FOUR PADOODLES.
Take a peak. Go and look at the expressive faces

Abby's quilt...................................colourful fan quilt.............. Thea and Phoenix's quilt
The above are three other lap quilts that Diane Whitehouse has made. These are thumbnails, so select them to see more detail.
Diane whitehouse created a lap quilt just for me.(THEA AND PHOENIX'S QUILT-ABOVE).Take a closer look at two of the BLOCKS (original drawings) that make this quilt so unique.
These drawings just "say it all".

....and I just have to show you a "close-up"of the middle block on Abby's quilt

Isn't this sweet?

This is Thea (my brown SP)as a puppy.
She has always looked wise for her years!

Abby, on her Abby Quilt
photograph is courtesy of Lyn Winer

links to more artwork by Diane Whitehouse
"The Look"
Cat's eyes
Teddy - a special Standard Poodle Puppy
Steffi, (rules the poodles at Tina and Char's house)

meet the REAL poodles that are the inspiration for the Poodledoodles.-meet Diane Whitehouse's poodles

email Diane Whitehouse
She would love to hear any comments you might have.

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all graphics on this page are the property of Diane Whitehouse and are copy-righted

This page has been designed by Dianne Zeifman