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Hi!! Welcome to my home page. I have found my password for geocities again so i guess its time to update for all you people that come back and visit. Im getting very very excited and why you may ask ?? Well in 4 days time i'm travalling to the USA. I didn't think it would ever happen, its been a year in the making and now i have 4 days to go. I met a great family through the internet and our familys have became so close. To be able to meet for the first time is going to be the best thing i can imagine. Im not looking forward to the 22 hour plane trip. At least my lungs will have a break from the smoke.
I'm going over there at just the right time. Thanksgiving, to all our Americian friends Happy Thanksgiving!!. We don't have Thanksgiving here in Australia so its going to be special to find out what its all about and have my first Thanksgiving with very special friends. I can't wait for the Turkey and the famous Pumpkin Pie. Thanks Mercy Sandy and Family for making this such a great event in my life. You guys are the greatest. And to all my special friends in the PGA TOUR PRO club house thanks for the great times and the support you guys/girls give.
Ok Whats happening in my house here in Sydney.? Not alot Maddison my 8 month old Daughter is growing and growing as are all the children. They get older so quickly. I think everyone in Sydney has just about had enough of the Olympic games and there is still months to go before they even start. Im not proud the way the politicians and people running the games are doing it. Thats just my thought though. Heres Colins advise to all those running the games " Get your act together we are on show you fools".
Ok heres something that i really need to do. As you know i play PGA TOUR GOLF using a game from EA SPORTS. Have been now for years and years. I have met some of the greatest people and would be lost without the game. Im going to put a few names here in honor of them and alittle thanks for beening such great friends. Firstly No Mercy my best friend and a friend for life he is as far as I'm concerned my brother. Then theres people like Darkstar and Mrs D his lovely wife.(Brad & Mel) BB,Maverick,Spanky,CoCo,Mean Machine,AJ,Badhair,HHH,XX-OUT,mich,Christian,Katie(smurfette)Tina,Sniper,Schtove,VicTroy and Lynda, if Ive forgotten anyone let me know and ill add you but thankyou guys and girls its an honor to know you and play you in our great game. Fairway and greens girls and boys.
My family and I live in Sydney Australia, the suburb of Eastwood to be exact which is about 40 minutes drive North West of the city center. Its a quiet suburb with great people living around us and
close to all the things we need like the shopping center and trains and buses.
We have 5 children aged from 1 year to 17 years old. We live a very simple life and love it. I guess the photo album might be a good thing to put here so if you would like to meet my family and I then
Click here.
The graphics you see on this page are of a ship called the Bounty, it sails Sydney Harbour days and nights doing harbour cruises. The pictures were taken off the television and I made the backgrounds.
A very special friend of the families, Joyce (Rubyred)from Minnesota USA helped with the graphics. she has a great homepage as well so follow me Click here and we will go have alittle look at her page. You will love it
and if you would like some graphics for your page that she has done then have a look at this address Ruby's Graphic Department
Below is some pictures of missing children. Hundreds of children go missing each year and this I feel is a good way to help find some of them. Please look and if you think you have seen any of them
then click on the picture and report it. This is a great service that can be made greater with YOUR help.
Ashley is a special Child with a special problem, click below to go and find out about her and send a prayer.
Please send a prayer for Ashley by clicking here.
The 2000 Olympics are going to be something very special for my family and everyone living in Sydney. Our house is located about 15 minutes drive from the Olympic site. The Site is situated at Homebush Bay.
Where is Homebush Bay. It is in the inner west of Sydney about 45 minutes drive from the city centre. The Logo up the top is the official 2000 logo, Although the site is far from complete it is getting there and taking shape more and more each week. As the development goes on i'll
be posting more information and pictures to let you know how it is going. If you would like to see the what the Site looks like Click Here.
My Awards
My awards are very special to me, they were given to my site because others thought it was worth looking at and I am very proud of each one. Thanks to all who have looked and commented of my site and awarded me with
with their special honour. Click Here to look at the awards this Site has won. I have my own award to give to others who have special homepages. Its my way of saying what a great Site and alittle something for the effort that you put into it. Apply Here to win my award.
Here are some very useful links that I thought might help people with different things. Webpage design and making banners, Windows drivers and so forth. As i come across more Sites I will add them to this list. If your site is for helping
others do these things let me know and I will add it to this page.
The Cardmaster. Banner Creator. Tucows
Gamecenter.com Cnet Central. Free Casino Games.
Search Engines
Pathfinder. Infoseek. Webcrawler.
Special Friends.
Patrick (Sneaker)comes from Laffayette in Louisiana and is just like a brother to me.
We spend hours on IRC chatting, playing Startrek waves and having fun. He is a great guy who has an Excellent Homepage. He is an Accountant and from what I hear a very very good one. Thanks for the hours of fun Sneaker.
And there is another family in Washington State in the USA that i really need to mention. Mercy and Sandy have 2 children and are the best, I play internet golf with Mercy Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday nights and its the highlight of my week.
Thanks for the hours of fun Mercy, I look forward to each week and hope that there will be many many more to come.
Well here is the long awaited Teletubbies Page.Click Here and come meet my Daughters favourate friends.
Up and Comming baseball players.
I'm taking up a new hobby!! I'm going to be a scout for the baseball teams in the USA pretty funny for someone who doesn't even know how many innings make up a baseball game. Anyway I came across this up and comming star and thought it would be fitting to give you
a preveiw of who to look for in later years. I'm told he is very very good. Good luck to you Dustin and enjoy the game buddy. :)
Name : Dustin Age : 7 Position : Catcher Uniform# : 3 Ht : 4ft 3in Wt : 58 Lbs
Home Town : Everett League : Mukilteo Team : Royals
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