Shot in Byron Nov 87 8pt(170lb)

This buck was shot on the opening day of the November 1987 Maine hunting season. I had scouted this area earlier and had seen a couple of deer. I decided to try out this new area because it appeared that there really wasn't any other hunting pressure. I prefer to hunt in big isolated areas. I had hunted along a ridgeline from dawn until about 3:00 P.M. I decided to start back towards my vehicle and estimated that I would get to it around dark. I was walking through a stand of pines and blowdowns at about 3:30 P.M. when I came across some fresh rubs and scrapes. I started to slow down my pace and pick my way through this area carefully. Suddenly this nice buck jumped up from his bed and started bounding away from me offering me only a hind quarter shot. I waited to see if he would turn broadside when he stopped in front of a blowdown. He appeared confused for a second. I decided to attempt a shot to the spine near the base of his neck. As I squeezed of the shot with my 30-06 Rem pump carbine the buck leaped up over the blowdown and out of site on the other side. I went over to where I had shot and found a clump of dark brown hair.(I later found that I had shaved the hair off of his back but had not penetrated the hide.) I went around the blow down and saw the buck walking across an old logging road. I took careful aim at his back again and fired. The buck took 2 or 3 leaps and collapsed in a gully on the other side of the road. I moved up to where he was and finished him quickly with a shot to the neck. I couldn't believe that this area had produced a buck for me on my first hunt. I silently thanked the Maker for my good fortune and then dressed out the buck. By the time I dragged the buck to my vehicle it was 5:30 P.M. My wife and daughter, who also loves to hunt, were very excited to see me and my buck that evening when I arrived at home. The buck held a small 8pt rack and field dressed at 170 lbs. I am so grateful that I have the time and physical ability to hunt, the rewards are endless.

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