Shot by John Daley Nov.90 Dixfield,Me 10pt (212lb)

I call this buck the "3 Luck Buck". This buck was shot by my father, John Daley, in 1990. The buck was a 10 pt and its dressed weight was 212 lb. My father was hunting a hardwood ridge on Sugarloaf Mtn near our home in Dixfield, Maine. He spotted this monster buck and fired (5) times at him. Unbelievably the buck was struck all (5) times. My father was hunting with a 30-06 Rem 7400 semi-auto and was using 180 gr.sp bullets. He tracked the buck for a ways and finally found him. The majestic king was already dead. My father dressed it and was heading back for his ATV when he met 4 out of state hunters that were more than a little "turned around". The hunters learned of my father's success and offered to drag the buck out for him if he would show them the way to Route 142, a paved public way. My father agreed and the hunters dragged out his deer. My father then gave them a ride to the public road. My father was lucky to find and shoot the buck, he was lucky to have it dragged off the mountain for him, and the 4 hunters were lucky to have found my father to help them out of the woods, hence "3 Luck Buck".

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