This is truly a magestic Whitetail King. This buck was shot in Northern Maine by my best friend, Richard G. Bernier. Dick is by far the most successful tracker in the NorthEastern United States. Check out his link below the photos on my site to view some more of his own buck photos. Dick has been extremely successful and has shot more 200 lb plus bucks than anyone I know or have heard of. This monster buck held a dark, heavy 8pt rack and dressed out at 255 lbs. I personally read the scales. Incredible. It was the 7th largest buck shot in 1997. What a great accomplishment. I am proud to call Richard Bernier my friend and hunting companion. Maine produces more 200 lb plus bucks than any other state that I know of! Also, if you are interested in reading a magnificent book on hunting Whitetails in the state of Maine, I advise you to check out RGB's book "The Deer Trackers". For additional information contact me via email or place an entry in my guestbook.
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