Shot in Carthage, Maine Nov.26 1990 8pt (180 lb)

I was hunting an intersecting scrape line in a thick swampy area in Carthage, Maine. It was about 7:15 a.m. and it was clear and very cold. The leaves on the ground were very "crunchy". I heard a deer moving in from the East. I waited and watched as a 4 pt buck emerged from the thick furs and started to cross the opening I was sitting at. I had decided to take this young buck because there were only a couple of days left in the season and I had already passed up several other small deer. I waited for the 4 pt to move through a thick brushy area and was going to take the shot as he emerged into an opening on the other side. The 4 pt started to move into the opening. As I was bringing my 30-06 Rem 7600 pump to my shoulder to take the shot, I noticed movement to my right about 30 yards behind the 4 pt buck. Suddenly a much larger 8 pt buck appeared following the trail of the 4 pointer. I immediately shifted gears and turned my sights onto this larger buck. I fired one shot into the bucks neck killing him instantly. I walked over to the buck and thanked the Maker for allowing me to harvest yet another great Maine Whitetail. I love hunting in Maine and will never leave.

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