I appologize for the un-attractiveness of my photos. I was taught to take photos of my deer hanging in the shed or after I had them home. I have since changed my style and will be taking all of my deer photos in the woods directly after harvesting my buck. Onward. This is a photo of my 2nd largest Whitetail King to date. I was hunting in Carthage, Maine on a very cold November morning. It was clear and crisp with about 1 inch of snowcrust on the ground. I had silently walked to a stand looking over a deer crossing area seperating a feeding area and a bedding area. I stood here from about 6:00 A.M. to about 7:00 A.M. and my feet were freezing. It was probably around -10 below 0 this morning. I could not stand any longer so as quietly as I could I began slowly moving through an area of firs and whips. I went about 100 yards into the firs and decided to stop for a few minutes to listen because it was so noisy. At about 7:30 A.M. I heard crunching noises coming in my direction. Unmistakeably the noise was a deer. I was in a small opening and watched as a big doe appeared out of the firs about 20 yards away from me. She kept walking directly towards me. My heart was pounding. She was so close. I had raised my 35 Rem pump to my shoulder and was watching behind her because I could hear another deer coming. The doe was only about 5 yards from me now and I was motionless. Suddenly a set of antlers and a huge head emerged from the firs. The giant bucks nose was right on the crust smelling that big doe's tracks. I did not hesitate. I fired a single 200 gr. round striking the buck directly under the right eye as he was facing me.(Look closely at the photo)The giant buck dropped in his tracks and expired almost instantly. I thanked the Maker for this magnificent buck and for allowing me such a quick merciful kill. Oh yeah, the doe. Well when I fired she was only yards away. She nearly came out of her fur. She jumped and whirled around and ran back in the opposite direction, jumping right over the fallen buck. She never looked back. I was elated! I had to drag the buck about a mile to my vehicle. I was sweating and down to a tank top to keep from over heating on the way out. I weighed about 165 lbs. The buck was a 6pt and dressed out at 223 lbs. Maine really has some huge deer!
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