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Started in November, 1993, Taska Sri Nibong has seen difficulties and success.
My day care has come a long way, and it is now my pride & joy.
And to the children in my day care,
I dedicate this to you :-

Eventhough you're not my very own,
Eventhough sometimes you make me groan,
Eventhough I seldom let it be known,
That my love for you have grown and grown.

My prayers for you will always be that....
You'll grow up strong and healthy and never forget,
You have been hugged, bathed, dressed and fed,
And towards a bright future you have been led.

One day, you'll grow up beautiful and fine,
And work towards a success you'll never decline.
I hope your love for me will always be divine,
As my love for you this heart of mine.

To visit my day care center below, please click on :-
*the attic......Taska Sri Nibong
*front door......We welcome you
*window on the right of door......Singing in session
*2nd window on the right of door......Outdoor activities
*window on the left of door......Waterplay
*2nd window on the left of door......Learning to share
*top center window......"still empty"
*upstairs - 1st window from left......Concert 1997
*upstairs - 2nd window from left......Free Play
*upstairs - 2nd window from right......Educational Playtime
*upstairs - 1st window from the right......Snack Time

Welcome outdoor play singing waterplay sharing concert 1997 free play educational play snack time Taska Sri Nibong

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thank you.

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*Update - March, 1999*....I had operated my daycare single-handedly for 5 years and from scratch until it bloomed into a daycare with more than 60 children. However, I had to sell my daycare for 'nice' personal reasons and have no regrets, although I do miss the fun of having so many children in my care for all those years. All I can say is that I do love and adore all the children in my daycare and wish them all the best of everything in life. I love you all, my children!! God Bless you!! :))

I will still be keeping this page because I had put a lot of work and love into it since 1996 and wish for all those who enter here to see how much children mean to me and how beautifully they would grow and develop if they are given the opportunity and care in their environment, no matter what country and culture they may be in.

Thank you for visiting!

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