Every Mimi (grandma) has a junk drawer - modern day Mimi's have a junk web page! I just had all this neat stuff laying around that I wanted to use somewhere and had no place to put it! So - what to do? Start a junk page - I might even (by accident) put something useful on here!

Mimi's like to do things like going on picnics and playing with our favorite little people.

We like exploring and discovering fun things like:

Doliphants Wizards


Quackers Hummers

Penkens Well - maybe we haven't seen many penguins around lately - but we can keep hoping! Mimi's are allowed to be silly you know!

Since I became a Mimi, I've discovered more of the fun things of life - having blueberry pancakes every morning if that's what Sami wants; chasing wizards with Kenzi; raiding the garden for strawberries and peas (yes, we discovered we like them raw better than cooked); driving the tractor with Papa; burying Spook (the good natured puppy) in snow; and chasing fireflies (I'm looking for a gif of them if anyone has one). What more could life have to offer?

Special Friends - Puffy and Bear

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