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    Sept. 6 Miami Dolphins

Sept. 12 Kansas City Chiefs

Sept. 19 University of Northern Colorado

Sept. 26 Rampart High School

October 3 Bye (The NFL's cure to Losing Streaks)

Oct. 10 Colorado Rockies Wives Club

Oct. 17 Englewood Girl Scouts Troop 77

Oct. 24 Colorado Academy for the Blind

Oct. 31 Eastern Colorado Korean War Veterans

Nov. 7 Arvada Disabled Children's Home

Nov. 14 Saint Francis Home for Wayward Girls

Nov. 21 Littleton Pee Wee League All Stars

Nov. 28 Focus on the Family Boys Choir

Dec. 5 Castle Rock Cub Scout Pack 101

Dec. 12 Denver University Marching Band

Dec. 18 Westminster Senior Citizens Home

Dec. 26 Gymboree's Tuck-n-Tumble Toddler Class

Yes guys, I AM a true Bronco fan (of many years standing) but I can still make fun of them! Hey - ya gotta either laugh or cry - and I choose to laugh! There's not a lot of hope for the rest of the year so I guess we will be sitting back watching someone else in the Super Bowl!


We're also Razorback fans so join us at The Razorbacks Home Page

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CustomCraft---- Arkansas

Junk Page---- Friends

Kids---- Brag Book

Who, unfortunately, happens to be a Packers Fan!
(Boo - Hiss!!!)