We have 2 wonderful kids...
They've been married
for 17 years, and they have 2 girls -
As promised, I have pictures! Now, as a grandparent, if I were to share ALL of my pictures, you'd have to quit your job & devote all of your time to looking through my Brag Book. But since I am in touch with reality, I've only loaded one set of photos to share with you for now.
The best and most important part of my life is my family!
I live with Papa (also named by Sami). We have been married for 41 years.
Papa owns CustomCraft Woodworks and makes beautiful cabinets and furniture in his shop.
Rob lives and works nearby. He has married the most wonderful woman and they are perfect mates and SO right for each other! Thank you Bridget for making all of us so happy! Rob and Bridget have brought us a new granddaughter - Brenttany, 14, and now have presented us with our first grandson, Slayden, now 6.
Pam lives in Colorado which is WAY too far away. She's my internet buddy - most of my time online is spent chatting with her - ICQ sure helps out the telephone bills! Great big thanks to Pam for introducing me to html and building my own page. If there is such thing as a perfect daughter - she's it! And speaking of perfect - there's my son-in-law Eddie - you know he has to be perfect if he can put up with both Pam and me!
Sami, 16 and Kenzi, 14.
As for me - I have a full time career - which interferes greatly with my computer time! I love building web pages and being online. Now that I am familiar with HTML (sorta, kinda, almost?) I want to know more about JAVA so I've joined Heartland University and will be taking a class there.
You can check out their classes too. Other than my "puter" my other great love is my garden. In the summer I'm outside most of the time and this is the 4th year that I have a small greenhouse. Papa and I have finished our Master Gardener's training and are even more addicted to planting and playing in the dirt so should be lots of fun if you'd like to join me in the Garden As of July, 2002, Papa and Mimi have a new hobby - Geocaching! Geocaching is a sport/hobby that is like modern day treasure hunting. Using your brains, feet and a handheld GPS you find (or attempt to find) something that someone has hidden somewhere. Your main clue is the longitude and latitude which is posted on the internet- your GPS (Global Positioning System) shows that information to you. The whole thing is explained much clearer at Geocaching. Papa and I are off hiking and exploring most weekends now and we belong to the Ozark Mountain Geocachers and Arkansas Geocachers Associations. We've met lots of new people, have gotten a lot more exercise and had a lot more fun!