We love living here in northern Arkansas and know
that you will enjoy visiting. It's so beautiful and
peaceful - come along on a guided tour or follow the links and
wander off on your own.

Here are a few pictures of the area around where I live.

Now, sit back, take a deep breath, and relax.
This place seems to have a calming effect, so enjoy the peace and quiet!

Perfection, isn't it?
It's Bull Shoals, and it's only minutes from Mimi's house!

My personal favorite is the White River. It's not only good for fishing,
but it has some of the best picnic spots!

Whether it's lakes or rivers, here or there, I found
a site that has some great info from Arkansas Game and Fish!
There's also Fishing the Ozarks Be sure to check it out!

Fall is a beautiful time of year
in the Ozarks so come take a look at
Fall in the Ozarks
- and while you're here come visit
Mountain Home

This isn't our road - but it looks enough like it
that it could be - isn't it beautiful?

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