mimishouse 's Home Page



Hi! I'm Mimi - Welcome to my house.

    You wonder how I became Mimi?
    Leave it to children to come
    up with the best things in the world!
    My first granddaughter, Samantha (Sami), named me Mimi,
    and Mackenzie (Kenzi), granddaughter #2,
    and Brenttany, granddaughter #3, and Slayden, #1 grandson
    have no objections so - now that's who I am!

    Mimi's house is always the very best place to visit,
    nothing is off limits!
    There are so many things to do and see....
    here's a peek at some of my favorite things!

    I've had such a good time putting together
    a page for Sami,Kenzie and Brenttany
    to check for fun things to do and places to go -
    that I've now turned it into a permanent links page for
    Here's also a new page for friends


    are my favorite team in the NFL.

    Click on logo to go to
    my football page

    (Logo copyrighted and provided by Denver Broncos)

    Now you can check out my links to the
    Arkansas Razorbacks on the football page!

    Fall is fantastic - and so is
    everything else here in Arkansas -
    come take a look around.
    Gardening is winding down for the year
    but come for a stroll and see
    what's going on in the Garden

    If you'd like to know more about my family and me
    - join me at my Family Page
    or if you're really bored
    or trying to avoid
    doing something constructive
    come on over to Mimi's Junk Page

    Thank you for visiting, don't forget where Mimi lives!

    You can send Mimi and Papa E-Mail!