Our Family Portrait Gallery

Our Family Portrait Gallery

Here are some additional pictures of our family:
(This page takes a long time to load, so please be patient.)

This is the old lady Cinderella, she's was a 14 year old Keeshond & a real sweetheart but sadly she passed on in Sept. of 1997. She'll be sorely missed.

This is Peanut Butter, a 6 year old Pomeranian. This is my little "girlfriend".

This is Jelly Belly, a 4 year old Pomeranian. The baby of the family, we call her "low-rider".

Our girls ready to go boating, wearing their life vests!

This is a view of Denver's skyline. What a beautiful city.

Here is Shirley enjoying Busch Gardens, Tampa during our last vacation.

Here is Dave at the same place.

Here we are in Disney World for the 25th Aniversary.

This is Cinderella's Castle in Disney World decorated for the 25th Aniversary.

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