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Here are Dave's dad, Leonard & mom Pat.
Dave's dad passed away this past year and will be sorely missed. His mom is still hangin' in there and doin' fine!
Here is Dave's sister Carol and her son Chris, our nephew.
And Dave's other sister Sarah.
Here is Shirley's brother Paul and his wife Val.
Proud owners of Blue Anchor Marina, Laurie Missouri
This is Shirley's brother Wayne and his wife Jan.
Met at White Castle of all places!
Their son & our nephew Wayne Jr.
All grown up and serving his country.
Their other son Johnny, graduating in 1997.
Look out world!
And their daughter Lisa, still an angel..."NOT!"
Shirley's sister Susan,and her son Nick.
She's just another laid back
And finally, in memory of Shirley's departed mom & dad,
Ernest & Lillian.
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