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04/01/00 00:57:23
Name: R Gilley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surname:: Gilley Surname:: Glass Surname:: Groves
Surname:: Lane Surname:: Smith Surname:: CARVER

Glass James Born Ireland 1761 Gilley Many of them..Scots/Ire after some battle Sept of Mcpherson Others ..not certain Thank you R.gilley

11/22/98 12:51:22
Name: Jason M. Taylor
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey I really liked your page thought it was rather interesting I didn't know we had so many other relatives let me know more as you find out. Jason

11/22/98 06:07:25
Name: Barb
My URL: Visit Me

Very impressive, Mom!!!

10/03/98 22:22:41
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/02/98 10:16:54
Name: Trues (Handle) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surname:: ALEXANDER,Cochrane Surname:: WORKMAN,Ruth Surname:: McCOTTER
Surname:: ALLERTON Surname:: McHUGH Surname:: BURTON,Francelia

pat; I have looked at your page and the name Taylor caught the EYE . I have approx 25 TAYLOR directly related to me . Thomas, two John etc. The only problem I have is they are amongst 22,000 other names sent to me by a CUZ in Okinawa. I will try to get some more pertanent info. Send me E-mail if this is only wat to contact you and I will reply. Thankyou Trues (handle) Alan P.S. Love the page and tunes

08/02/98 10:15:28
Name: Alan T. Combs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surname:: ALEXANDER,Cochrane Surname:: WORKMAN,Ruth Surname:: McCOTTER
Surname:: ALLERTON Surname:: McHUGH Surname:: BURTON,Francelia

pat; I have looked at your page and the name Taylor caught the EYE . I have approx 25 TAYLOR directly related to me . Thomas, two John etc. The only problem I have is they are amongst 22,000 other names sent to me by a CUZ in Okinawa. I will try to get some more pertanent info. Send me E-mail if this is only wat to contact you and I will reply. Thankyou Trues (handle) Alan P.S. Love the page and tunes

01/29/98 14:47:24
Name: Thomas M. Taylor My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Surname:: Mike

Pat Great pages hard to read the writing over the trees about Judy Enjoyed it alot Mike

01/29/98 02:01:07
Name: James F. Taylor
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It is a great project!!! If you can help Pat with research please e-mail her/us. Have a great day!!! Jim

01/16/98 03:23:06
Name: Judy Pisano My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surname:: Jamieson Surname:: Paul Surname:: Kluxen
Surname:: Taylor (of course) Surname:: Dervin

I love your new pages!!!

01/01/98 23:09:06
Name: Pat My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Surname:: TAYLOR Surname:: FARRELL Surname:: DUNCAN
Surname:: DOYLE Surname:: O'SHEA Surname:: PETTERSEN


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