Welcome to the Kidskorner

Where Mr.Tt's Kids Will Express Their Thoughts!!

     Trevor Jr.  "HI!  My name is TJ.  I like the movie 101
Dalmations and pizza.  I really like going to Family Night on 
Wednsday nights at our church.  We play games and have a memory
verse every week like "Serve one another in love."  Gal 5:13  I am
5 yrs old and I am the youngest.  
     My favorite story in the Bible is David and Goliath. I like this one
because David loves God and because he does, God makes him brave and
strong to beat the giant Goliath for God's people. Then when he grows up he 
becomes the king of Israel.  Oh yea, and I like it when Goliath laughs 
because David is just a boy.  Showed him the power of God's love though, 
didn't David!" 

     Michael. My name is Mike.  I just turned 11 in May.  My
favorite movie(s) is the Star Wars Trilogy.  I really like pizza too and
hate chinese food, which makes my mom mad when she cooks it.  I like to 
play basketball and collect Star Wars Figures.  I have an original Wicket,
the Ewok from "Return of the Jedi".
     My favorite story of the Bible, besides Christ's birth, is about
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  They were Judeans living in Babylon at 
the same time as Daniel.  Well, King Nebuchadnezzar wanted all the people to
bow down to a gold idol of a false god.  These guys would not for it was not
God and idols are forbidden by God anyway.  So the king had them thrown into
a blazing furnance!  The three told the king that their God, not his, could 
save them, even in his furnace and they would never serve any god but the 
one true God.  So into the furnace they went all tied up.  The king jumped
in surprise and asked his guards why they did not tie up the three prisoners
because all three men were untied and walking around in the flames of the
furnace!  The king called them out and all saw that Shadrach, Meshach and
Abednego were not burn, not even a hair on them was burnt. King Nebuchadnezzar
saw that their God was the Most High God and said that no one in the land
would speak out against Him!"  Just goes to show what faith can do!  
     I would like to thank my mom's friend, Jude, for helping her find the
book in the Bible this story was in!!

     Crystal.  Hi!  My name is Crystal and I am 13.  I love 
Dalmations anything!  They are soooo cute!!  When I grow up, I am going to 
buy a dalmation puppy and spoil it!!  I also like Disney and Loony Tunes
characters.  I have alot of their stuff.  I am good at gymnastics, drawing
and imitating voices and animal calls. (she really is, mom)
     My favorite Bible story is Noah's Ark because it was amazing.  I 
cannot even imagine it raining for forty days and forty nights, can you?
That is alot of water!  I also think the fact that Noah was able to 
build a boat out of wood that would not sink from all that weight is
pretty amazing too!  The water hitting it would have made it even heavier!
     I liked it too when the people started to believe and wanted on the
Ark but God's hand pushed the door shut!  Can you imagine being on a boat
with all those animals that long!  What alot of work!  But love of God 
and faith that He would dry the earth again made it all work out! And He
gave us the pretty gift of the rainbow as a promise that He would never
flood the earth again.

Please go to the next page for the Children's Catechism and enjoy learning God's Word with your child!